Dracorex Lab Reviews

I was very pleased with the anavar I picked up from Dracorexpharma, so I placed another order. I’m currently waiting on some deca and mast e. I should receive my goodies in the next couple days. I will leave a review in a couple weeks once everything kicks in.
Let me know how the var goes! I ordered the Var as well but will be a few months before I can begin a cycle
Testrogen, you will definitely like the var. I ran some of it a couple months ago and brought me back to the glory days of searle, great product.
Could I get a rep to pm me too please, i have been having trouble with my email
Testrogen, you will definitely like the var. I ran some of it a couple months ago and brought me back to the glory days of searle, great product.
Could I get a rep to pm me too please, i have been having trouble with my email
Pm a mod if your having issues.
yeah the draco var is good i only need 40 mg max or i start to get crazy haha in a good way...
I’ve never run var before; but as it’s mild; I may throw some in at the tail end of my cycle, while running alongside a higher dose of tren that’s a daily inject; and masteron; keeping my test at only 350 during this time. Could I run var for 8-10 weeks at 50 mg a day with the test tren mast? Would I see good results or what I’m running a 20 week run of deca first I’m at week 5(finishing) and I weigh almost 210 at 5’6
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I've literally tried every lab imaginable in all my year's of "abusing tf out of gear" and I will personally give Dracorex 10cc's out of 10cc's!! And 10cc's out of 10cc's in the shipping department as well.

Myself, and my crew won't shop anywhere else!


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Update : Dbol is fantastic wooo 🥳 25mg per pill is just perfect. Steady gaining 0.5 to 1lbs everysingle day LOL I look like the Michelin guy but the feeling you get when the scale goes up every single day is wonderful. I’m still vascular even if I’m bloated, I’m getting stronger and my arms are pump 24/7.

I feel great, sometimes a bit moody but I found that it’s only when my e2 gets a bit high.

0.5 of adex ED works fine. Only downside of it I would say is that the pills are hard to cut even with a pill cutter. The arimidex tend to break apart.

Ive upped the test to ~ 500mg and dropped the proviron cause I don’t like to take more than one orals at a time. Hair seems to like it.

Im not trying to shill, and I have no affiliation with the lab. I’m just genuinely happy to have found that lab and this forum. If the stuff was bad, my review would have been written accordingly.

Putting a small order in for now with the way things have been this year. Will report back with the details though everything so far from this lab has been awesome.