Do you regret taking steroids?

I’m getting hair all over my shoulders, but maybe it’s just transplanting from my head, lol.
And my ears, my god what’s with that?
Lol I have the same issue, thick black hairs not all over my shoulders. Getting some on my traps now too I never had before gear.
No regrets at all,
The reason I started taking them was because I live quite the busy life with being a father, husband and provider. I found my motivation to workout slowly diminish. I thought why not take something to boost me up a bit and allow me to achieve my goals quicker. As selfish and lazy as it may sound, steroids motivate me to wake up early and hit the gym hard knowing my results will show quicker. They keep me on track, they motivate me to eat healthier and overall makes me feel better which allows me a better person.
Yes the body hair is ridiculous even on trt. Been a year now and its like my hairline continues to my neck and my upper back, my shoulders are hairy and my whole back is getting hairy. Will probably get it lasered off as soon as covid is over, hair is not really my thing.
No regrets at all,
The reason I started taking them was because I live quite the busy life with being a father, husband and provider. I found my motivation to workout slowly diminish. I thought why not take something to boost me up a bit and allow me to achieve my goals quicker. As selfish and lazy as it may sound, steroids motivate me to wake up early and hit the gym hard knowing my results will show quicker. They keep me on track, they motivate me to eat healthier and overall makes me feel better which allows me a better person.
Yes the body hair is ridiculous even on trt. Been a year now and its like my hairline continues to my neck and my upper back, my shoulders are hairy and my whole back is getting hairy. Will probably get it lasered off as soon as covid is over, hair is not really my thing
I have a buddy that is currently doing that, seems to be effective.
Its not just that I am now a hairy bastard....back, shoulders, chest, stomach, upper arms etc worse part about is is my chest hair is now very coarse......its nothing like the chest hair I used to have which had a fine texture vs the wire like hair I now have....f'ing hate it
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Its not just that I am now a hairy bastard....back, shoulders, chest, stomach, upper arms etc worse part about is is my chest hair is now very coarse......its nothing like the chest hair I used to have which had a fine texture vs the wire like hair I now have....f'ing hate it
Oddly enough.. my wife loves my shag carpet.
Yes the body hair is ridiculous even on trt. Been a year now and its like my hairline continues to my neck and my upper back, my shoulders are hairy and my whole back is getting hairy. Will probably get it lasered off as soon as covid is over, hair is not really my thing.

I'd like to find some permanent solution as well. Shaving the back of my shoulders is painful, I can't really twist like that 😫.

Now if only I could laser it back on to my head...
I shave my arms and chest.
Then jump in the shower and with a short tip, clipper the rest to 1/4”.
I try to shave the back of my neck and shoulders but it’s tough.
I’ll get my wife to wax it one day
I never regret this, and I still take them in small portions. I started using them after my 6 months in the gym. I wanted to increase my progress, so I approached my doctor and trainer and discussed this matter with them. And after that, I started taking steroids in small portions, increasing the doses every 2 weeks. After reaching the result, I wanted to be stopped taking them and shorten the number of other fitness supplements I was consuming, like protein and sarms, to reduce the damage to my health, according to the procedure described in an article written by Alycia Watts.
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Only regret for me was not pushing my limits with it when I was younger. I am so paranoid on side effects, never went past 500mg test, 350mg tren or ever did orals.

Well not that it mattered, after 8 years of no gear and here I am starting trt protocol. So, I might push the boundaries this time, within reason of course.
I started for a unique reason.

I got diagnosed with ADHD last year and they put me on dextroamphetamines.

They absolutely changed the game for me, I was a productivity robot and I was loving the grind.

My shit didn't stink I felt like the man.

But unfortunately after a couple months I started going insane..

Voices that I project onto other people in my head, thinking I'm reading their minds, they're reading mine... Talking shit in code and all that stuff. "I'm finally figuring out how things really are! I'm waking up!"

It was a fucking ride and I couldn't take it any more. I wonder if tren is like that.

ADHD is theorized to be primarily due to a lack of dopamine though, what raises dopamine? Testosterone. I assume other anabolic as well.

Here we are, I'm focused, confident and driven to grind again, but without the insanity and lack of sleep.

Actually my sleep seems to be almost twice as good based on my fitbit data.

I've got no regrets, my business is being built around health and fitness so looking the part is helpful. I feel way better all the time it's actually kinda crazy but you guys know what's up.

I plan to blast and cruise until I get to something like 200 pounds 7% bf then probably cruise the rest of my life on TRT. I might do some cycles here and there just for fun. I love this lifestyle.