got new blood work-->fasting blood sugar and blood insulin levels.

If you haven't you should give this a good listen, lots of new things I haven't heard before regarding blood glucose, sucrose Fructose, insulin, health effects etc. I know podcasts can be an hour or two and hard to get motivated for but this is one I'd definitely check if I was having blood sugar issues.
The debate over the previous study I posted here wasn't about the study itself it was just about whether corn fed beef could cause metabolic syndrome in humans or not compared to grass fed.

If you haven't you should give this a good listen, lots of new things I haven't heard before regarding blood glucose, sucrose Fructose, insulin, health effects etc. I know podcasts can be an hour or two and hard to get motivated for but this is one I'd definitely check if I was having blood sugar issues.

@Funnyman is pretty up to date about this stuff as well...

I'll give the pod cast a listen later tonight.

I have to make 25lbs of vension burgers, than feed kids dinner, then stuff 25lbs of venison sausage... then clean and sanitize it all and make 15lbs of bear burgers.
Well the private clinic emailed me about my blood work.. The initial lady said my blood work looked great.. then I pointed out the fasting glucose being high and the fasting insulin being low and said I was told I had insulin resitance and I was expecting a higher fasting insulin than what's considered healthy, but it was quite low.. I pointed out what I mentioned in my op.. that first lady passed me on to the clinic's nutritionist. she later got back to me and agreed that things aren't matching up for insulin resistance and she wants to look into why my blood sugars are high and yet insulin low..

I have a phone appointment with her next week sometime.
I do know there are studies, that show lipitor drugs increases A1C.
I stopped taking a statin years ago... it was only a 5mg one but it didn't do much on my blood work... I stopped taking it and any dr that looked at my blood work thought I was still on it and told me how well it was working for me... but I wasn't even on it lol.
Is your liver effected at all by the high blood sugar?
My one liver enzyme ALT was high last year at 99.. Healthy ranges is less than 70.. They thought I had fatty liver desease so I had a ultra sound.. no fatty liver.. and my alt came down on it's own and last test was 59...

I am not sure my blood sugar of 5.5-6.8 is high enough to show on my liver?? I'm not an expert though.
I am not sure my blood sugar of 5.5-6.8 is high enough to show on my liver??
I doubt it, fatty liver and diabetic damage are seen together because they're common co-morbidities in food addicts..

If I'm not mistaken the first place you see diabetic damage is in the fine capillaries of the eyeballs and nerve tissue.

If I had blood sugar issues (and I do) I would make sure to get the pictures taken of the back of my eyeballs. It's a forty dollar or so test that many optometrists and every ophthalmologist will do. They take a picture every year and look for changes. You'll generally know within three or four years whether you've got a problem.
I doubt it, fatty liver and diabetic damage are seen together because they're common co-morbidities in food addicts..

If I'm not mistaken the first place you see diabetic damage is in the fine capillaries of the eyeballs and nerve tissue.

If I had blood sugar issues (and I do) I would make sure to get the pictures taken of the back of my eyeballs. It's a forty dollar or so test that many optometrists and every ophthalmologist will do. They take a picture every year and look for changes. You'll generally know within three or four years whether you've got a problem.

My eye doctor takes these pictures already... I had an eye exam with him before Christmas and he knows I like learning new shit so he told me what he was doing (taking those pictures).. Then he told me why he takes them on all his patients.. bascially with high blood sugar is causes the blood difficulties getting into the eye areas.. so the eye ball will form new capillaries to make sure the blood is going where it needs to go, but those new capillaries can block your vision.. That's my version of what he told me, but I could have mis understood..

Either way, my eyeballs were perfect, no signs of the additional capillaries.. If i recall correclty, he said they can pop up pretty fast with high blood sugar oppol..

He showed me images of pl's eyes of what is looks like when someone has that condition and it was pretty ineteresting and fucked up at the same time.
Hmm. Interesting, I had to look that up further, and it appears I might be wrong about the timeline. According to the american academy of opthamology, it usually takes more than five years for the first signs of Diabetic Retinopathy to show up, so now I don't know what the first signs of damage from high bloods sugar would be.

Woke up, my blood sugar was 5.8... I putted around house for an hour then ate breakfast of
2/3 cup plain greek yogurt
1 scop whey
1/2 cup frozen blueberries..

I generally don't eat this much carbs, but I was going to the gym and I wanted to see if it changed how I felt wokring out and what it did to my blood suagr

So I ate that meal, did some more stuff around the house for 2 hours then went to drive to the gym.. On the drive there I just realzed I was in an awful mood, neck sore, a bit of a headache etc.. I didn't feel energectic at all either.. and I had a shit load of stuff to do at home... So I grabbed some groceries and went home...

When I got home I checked my blood sugar and it was 4.5 lol... This was about 2.5 hours after I ate that higher carb breakfast... I then ate 6 oz of bear meat that was 20% fat... and a keto wrap that had 7 gram sugar but 5 grams fibre..

So I did some stuff around the house, took kids for a fire in the bush etc.. Came home and checked blood sugar 5.8 again.. This was about 3 hours after the bear meat wrap..

I can't really understand how my blood sugar is working especially when I get a reading of 4.5 after I ate a meal with carbs and sugar..

I think I will talk to the private clinic.. I doubt they ill refer me to a specialist or anything.. they just seem to be useless.. So I will book an appoitnment with a doctor in town and ask if I can get a stick on blood sugar monitor and just live with it for a few weeks and record everything.. I'll do a week of keto eating and then a week of low carb eating and see how my blood sugar responds.. and I'll ask to do a glucose test where you drinkt he sugar drink and they keep checking your blood sugar and glucose.
I can't really understand how my blood sugar is working especially when I get a reading of 4.5 after I ate a meal with carbs and sugar..
That's not ususual, in early stages of diabetes.

You eat a bolus of carbs, your insulin resistant body reacts by flooding you with insulin, to try to deal with the fact your sugars just won't go down properly, and at the end your blood sugars go lower for a little while. If you had on a continuous monitor you probably would have seen your sugars go too high, in the first hour or so, before your body overcorrected.

That beat diabetes! guy on youtube who does tests with certain foods, Dennis Pollock, that is how he found out he had type 2 diabetes.

He ate a bunch of sugary food, and then a couple hours later passed out, somebody found him, and when they tested him at the hospital his sugars were really low, like two point something.
Interesting fact Fructose doesn't actually spike blood sugar or insulin it just goes straight to the liver and converts into triglycerides
Interesting fact Fructose doesn't actually spike blood sugar or insulin it just goes straight to the liver and converts into triglycerides
Well, you're probably aware of this but I would hate, Bigbear for someone to read your post and think, Oh, fructose is fine for people with diabetes, and great for your health, I'll just eat lots of fruit and honey! ... (white sugar and fruits and honey also usually contain about fifty/fifty glucose and fructose the same as high fructose corn syrup)

Fructose doesn't spike blood glucose, because it's a different sugar, and technically we only measure blood glucose, when we talk about blood sugar.

It does circulate in the blood for a while though, because it can only be metabolized by the liver, and yes it does get metabolized into triglycerides, which is not necessarily a great thing.

Too much fructose in too short a time frame is not good, and is toxic to the liver. We've increased our consumption of fructose about 100x over the past century and a half and that's why we're seeing so much fatty liver disease which is now a significantly higher rate of cause of liver failure than alcoholism.

here's a paper written in plain language from Penn Medicine, that talks about liver damage from fructose.
@BobTbay I agree man Fructose is worse. Your body has no use for it that's why it doesn't doesnt bg. It's basically just a toxin that destroys your gut, arteries and liver. Probably brain and other organs as well. The point being if you eat it a lot and only monitor bg you will be putting yourself at a serious risk
Spoke with my private health care clinic's nutriionitst specialist person..

She bluntly told me to start the convo with (I paraphrased a bit) "I've never in my career seen high fasting blood sugar and low insulin.. I can't make sense of it.. I have gone through all my textbooks and there's nothing in them that can explain it either.. So I can send you for some more blood work and hopefully something shows up, but right now I am connecting with other specialist and my former collegues.. But I have no answers based on the blood work you have done so far. I am limited to what blood work I can send you for, but I'll do what I can"..

So I got blood work tomrrowoo for
Alanine (ALT)
C-reactive protien (CRP)
Glucose fasting
Lipid pannel
Free T3

The only things above I have not had checked recntly or ever is HGB
Spoke with my private health care clinic's nutriionitst specialist person..

She bluntly told me to start the convo with (I paraphrased a bit) "I've never in my career seen high fasting blood sugar and low insulin.. I can't make sense of it.. I have gone through all my textbooks and there's nothing in them that can explain it either.. So I can send you for some more blood work and hopefully something shows up, but right now I am connecting with other specialist and my former collegues.. But I have no answers based on the blood work you have done so far. I am limited to what blood work I can send you for, but I'll do what I can"..

So I got blood work tomrrowoo for
Alanine (ALT)
C-reactive protien (CRP)
Glucose fasting
Lipid pannel
Free T3

The only things above I have not had checked recntly or ever is HGB
Hopefully it's not a bad thing, I've actually heard it's not the high blood sugar that damages the body but it's actually the high insulin spike that follows. Insulin can be harmful to the body in more than a few ways.
Got my blood work, everything they tested for looks great except my bad cholesterol is a touch high.. I have really high good cholesterol though and I was told this minimzies the bad being a touch high.

I stopped eating at 10pm. I went to work the next day and worked 8:30-11:00. I'm busy at work, its not a desk job or sit down job.. So I being busy and active 8:30-11 should bring my fasted blood sugar down.. My blood was drawn at 11:10. So 13 hour fast..

My blood sugar was 6.3 and my fasted insulin was 47..

I eat keto all day, stop eating at 10pm and then work all morning (walking, moving etc) and still have 6.3 fasted blood sugar. My insulin is still low, but not as low as last time.

I'll wait and see what the speciliast says