WHY the fuck don't people use safeties? Darwin Award Winner right here

Am I the only one sick of people recording. Like I understand recording the life but then selling the video of someone's son dying in front of you. That guy needs his face kicked in.
I hear you bud but there is some value to it sometimes. I think a lot of us get complacent in the gym over time but it's pretty easy to get hurt with just a minor lapse of concentration. I used to know a very good powerlifter who ended his career when he one handed a 45 onto the bar and his shoulder imploded.
Their are a bunch of brutal gym fail videos out there for sure, this one is a bit different than a lot of them. It's so simple, sudden and blunt, I hope that some people who have not got the message yet see it and reconsider how safely they are going about things.
I hear you bud but there is some value to it sometimes. I think a lot of us get complacent in the gym over time but it's pretty easy to get hurt with just a minor lapse of concentration. I used to know a very good powerlifter who ended his career when he one handed a 45 onto the bar and his shoulder imploded.
Their are a bunch of brutal gym fail videos out there for sure, this one is a bit different than a lot of them. It's so simple, sudden and blunt, I hope that some people who have not got the message yet see it and reconsider how safely they are going about things.
Yea I fully agree. It's something we can all learn from and should learn from. I got side tracked I guess with the recording. It just happens so much, if people have time to grab a phone they have time to help the person in need. This new non appreciating the value of human life I think is a foreign trait that has since immigrated here. 20 years ago America and Canada was a place where people were proud to be heros even if they got injured helping someone. Now this.. I am glad for the lessons we get but I'd hope the family would put the video out to help others rather then some scum bag getting likes. Sorry for the derail my friend
Saw a video last night abut the incident..

apparently the guy spotting him was his trainer.!

Appareently this trainer convinced the guy to start squatting outside of the rack like he was in the video..

apparently the trainer had been lifting the bar up while the guy was squatting for the past few months to help the guy through platoughts...

If this is true, just based on those first 2 things, I would be very upset if I was his fiamly member..
I never used safeties till this happened lol. But I only squat two plates before moving to the Smythe machine
People should learn to bail on a squat before even attempting the lift.

I saw a video of a coach teaching high school athletes how to bail properly. It should be done more often.

R.I.P to the athlete. It's sad but not the first one I've seen. There's a women on a smith machine getting internally decapitated. Disturbing stuff.
Why? Just use the fucking safeties it literally takes 5 seconds to adjust. 🤦
I didn't think it would be an issue and I could just drop it behind me. But now I use em and they actually are dope, especially the pins when benching. I can bench till I fail and just let it slowly drop but it will stop an inch or two from my chest then after 30 seconds I just re rack it.

Also when squatting and I hold the bar really close to myself my rear delt get all tense so I liked being able to grab more towards the ends of the barbell and with safeties you can't do that. But I suck it up now
Yea I fully agree. It's something we can all learn from and should learn from. I got side tracked I guess with the recording. It just happens so much, if people have time to grab a phone they have time to help the person in need. This new non appreciating the value of human life I think is a foreign trait that has since immigrated here. 20 years ago America and Canada was a place where people were proud to be heros even if they got injured helping someone. Now this.. I am glad for the lessons we get but I'd hope the family would put the video out to help others rather then some scum bag getting likes. Sorry for the derail my friend
I just watched a video where these two people saved a woman from her car, which was on fire, and they got some burns on their forearms so they sued her.
Or that guy who gave a girl cpr and he broke her rib in the process so she sued him.

Or have you seen 'the incredibles' (I know it's a cartoon but it's accurate when describing society) but a guy jumped from a high rise to his death and Mr incredible dove to save him and they broke through a window, so the guy sued him for his 'injuries' he was in two leg casts and an arm cast and in a wheel chair with a neck brace on and as soon as the judge hit the gavel on the desk and the guy won the lawsuit he stood out of his wheel chair, took his neck brace off and as he was walking out he was taking his casts off.
I knew this one bodybuilder/powerlifter who owned a gym and he was using someone for a car accident and the cars apparently collided after being at a complete stop then rushing a red so neither of them couldda been going faster than 20km/h but he said his back was so fucked he couldnt even make love to his wife and he could no longer be a bodybuilder/powerlifter because of the accident so the other guy hired a private investigator and he caught the guy deadlifting 405.

I help a lot of people in life n death situations all the time and you ask if you can help them, if they can't respond it's a do it at your own risk situation.
I don't wanna seem like a bitch by caring about my safety, I also ride with no helmet on and wear my backpack with one strap 😎

I see teens riding those electric scooters with no helmet or knee pads. It's like those tires are so small your one rock away from your life being drastically different