Mobility; stretching; warming up

Stretching before you lift is fuckin dumb anyways haha so ur doing the right thing by not
I used to stretch before I trained for years. It was from martial arts training, you always stretched before training.
Then I read somewhere that it can reduce your strength output, or something like that, so I changed it up.
‘Honestly my first few reps of whatever exercise is stretching, I’ll go full range, or more to really pull the muscle out and get the blood flowing. Then I’ll do some basic light movements (I guess some would call it light stretching) to get the blood flowing all over my body.

Now if I trained right after I’ve left work, none of this would be needed because I would already be warmed up.
I used to stretch before I trained for years. It was from martial arts training, you always stretched before training.
Then I read somewhere that it can reduce your strength output, or something like that, so I changed it up.
‘Honestly my first few reps of whatever exercise is stretching, I’ll go full range, or more to really pull the muscle out and get the blood flowing. Then I’ll do some basic light movements (I guess some would call it light stretching) to get the blood flowing all over my body.

Now if I trained right after I’ve left work, none of this would be needed because I would already be warmed up.
Stretching for martial arts sounds good forsure but I’m pretty sure static stretches before weights makes you weaker? I do like a nice dynamic work out but I save those deep stretches for after myself
It’s not meant to be a lacrosse ball or foam roller. You grind out the muscle thru force then use the massager.
Trust me, it pounds the hell out of you.

For my traps I use my squat bar on the squat rack. I put couple hundred pounds on the bar, leave it racked at a bit below shoulder height. Then I grind into the bar, like a massage therapist would with their elbows. Then I use a lacrosse ball for lower areas, but once I relaxed my upper traps, the lumps started to go away themselves in the mid lower traps.
I love grinding out the lumps in my traps this way, another great movement.
Stretching for martial arts sounds good forsure but I’m pretty sure static stretches before weights makes you weaker? I do like a nice dynamic work out but I save those deep stretches for after myself
I’m not sure if was really a difference because I never did deep stretches for a few weeks then not stretch and work out a few weeks and compare.

I think it would be tough if you are progressing. Maybe if you and back and forth a few times and the remove the progression.

way too much thinking and math for me.
Don't know if its true, but I've heard if you stretch before lifting, you sacrifice some strength potential???

Ok to be up front I was playing a bit with my reply to @Michealchapman83 , basically I'm just not down with the blanket statement.

You are 100% correct if what you mean is that some studies have shown that.
Some questions need to be answered before I'd consider 'it's fuckin dumb' to be correct. I mean, surely the variables need to be considered don't they?
I'm not gonna post studies but I have looked deeply into this in the past, it is a very important thing to understand in the realm of coaching and training athletes. Questions with my leftover impressions noted after, please assume a very slight sarcastic tone :). I'm not giving away the farm here but will drop some clues.

How well done and controlled were the studies? (mediocre for the most part)
How do you define stretching ? (Static? Dynamic? How intense? How long? )
If there was a neg effect on "strength" what is the definition of "strength"? (Reps? Duration? % of 1RM?)
How much was the actual effect?
How long does such an effect last? (seconds? minutes? weeks? years?)
Is there a rebound or supercompensation type of situation in effect? IOW are you actually stronger after this effect wears off?
Is this effect different if purely stretching from a cold state vs "warming up" at the same time? ( ;) )
Is this an effect on muscle tissue or a CNS interaction?
Does temperature matter?

Even if after asking and answering all the questions and the literally dozens more I can think of how does this all compare to other methods of training that make you "weaker" the real question is "How does this figure in to achieving your goals". I mean if a guy does 5x5 bench at max effort isn't he going to be weaker on a set of 15 for the 6th set? Should he stop trying so hard on the first 5 then?

What I said in post #6 is a bit off base actually. I should have noted that what I suck so bad at is devoting a dedicated time for this kind of work only. Like a get down and do it for 20-30 mins daily. When I lift I spend the first 20-30 minutes warming up with mobility work, stretching and slowly increasing the load of light lifting. First serious lifting exercise gets some of that incorporated but after that it's pretty much one set at say 60% then 90% then gonzo. Similar as to what @Sorbate described above.
That with deep tissue massage removed the super painful nerve issues I was having. It’s been 6 months now completely pain free. So I think I may have this beat.
Oh man I got something like that in my lower back 😩... it’s quite painful sometimes. I made this thread for a reason lol
Work on your hamstrings, hips. That is usually why you have lower back issues.
Oh 100% that’s part of the culprit !!! I know my glutes and hammies are just a throbbin after a hard back day they’re stuck I need some professional help. In more ways than 1. 🤣
Oh 100% that’s part of the culprit !!! I know my glutes and hammies are just a throbbin after a hard back day they’re stuck I need some professional help. In more ways than 1. 🤣
I have heard a lot will do happy endings for a tip, lol
I only stretch in the morning when I wake up and still in the bed laying on my back I stretch my legs out and arms upwards! This is very helpful topic. I might need to consider stretching before working out and I have tried stretching before workout but I honestly don’t feel anything I don’t now if it has to do with me being double jointed.