Covid stocks

Agreed with above comment. I also notice U.S. states are easing up on drug laws. Cannabis stocks could finally start to take off. I hate talking about weed stocks but just something to think about.
There are three reasons for crypto going up.

a> the election
b> and most important, they not only found but captured A BILLION in mostly Bitcoin from the guy who ran Silk Road on the Dark Net. The American Government now has a billion in totally liquid Bitcoin that they are going to auction off at some point. This happened on a smaller scale before but Bitcoin went up when the auction went on. This is expected to be the BIG REASON this is.
c> they THINK that the market is finally responding to Bitcoin halving now that the economy is recovering a bit. Not SURE on this one but it's been discussed in the forums I hang out in.

In any case if you have purchased not just Bitcoin but many other coins, they're going up like CRAZY. Etherium is up over double. Bitcoin is up roughly 60-70% within the last couple weeks. When it made sense to generate it, I've been generating since 2017. Love Bitcoin/Etherium. :)
holding cash. if you look at the effects of spanish flu on economy we got a year before of recovery. the govt have been spending us from a market correction for a long time which i think means a correction will be much more severe. i think when the govt money dries up, thats when we will see the true severity. then again, i cant see the future and maybe we are in a new economic era of modern economic theory.

i like 4th wave industrial revolution tech. problem is everybody else is too. im waiting for a shakeout. i like toyota for materials and manufacturing and google for ai and quantum computing.

if self driving cars become a thing i think weed, booze and content will take off
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Thank you. I like the idea of just sitting on cash right now. I want to invest more as I tend to stick to the dividend stocks so I hate having cash just sitting there when it could be making 5%+ but waiting might be best right now.
i think weed is vulnerable. saturated market, threat of cheap foreign imports. you counting on biden legalizing it? i think he would have campaigned on it if hes was going to.
I wouldn't say I am counting on Biden to legalize weed, but I think it would help the pot stocks if he did. Any of you guys like getting back into the travel stocks like Air Canada and some of the cruise lines?
calgary real estate. calgary is taken a massive shit kicking. highly rated on lists of most livable cities. great neighborhoods that i was priced out of 20 yrs ago are now affordable. hate be be a vulture but i think its still going down.