Would you rather: NPP

I will go against the grain and take a different path, if you are adding this to a base of test I wouldn't exceed 200 mg of NPP per week and run it longer than you were going to run at 300 mg. I'm conservative but the best and most accomplished coach I know usually adds 200 mg of deca to multiple programs for different ages. I know people take large amounts but I will always defer to people who know more than I do.

If you can't grow off a base of test and 200 mg of deca/NPP something is wrong. Your diet/training/rest is off. You can bulk or cut on those two compounds depending on your diet.
Does deca do the same to you?
Never ever. And esters considered…..I’ve run both at similar if not the same concentrations. Perhaps even higher for deca…. Again mg:mg wise.

Perhaps by way of depot it affected me differently? More, quicker so adverse reactions. This was 2009. I remember because the first I noticed it was before a trip to Jamaica. It was before we went when it flared….so I can’t even blame it on the red stripe and rum….or patties, and jerk with rice and peas. Cause fuck…. Can I ever demolish Jamaican food!

So many things that could cause or contribute. But no never any issues with deca even though they are the same hormone.
More like, since when does 4 x 8 not equal 32, or 3 x 10 not equal 30? lol I'm not bad at math, but I'm absolutely stellar at the stuff they teach you in primary school. Hahaha
I literally said I accidentally multiplied both by 10 weeks. Real hard to believe eh?
I literally said I accidentally multiplied both by 10 weeks. Real hard to believe eh?
Dude, I was making a joke, and it was in reference to @CosmicJuiceBoxx comment, it was certainly not a petty shot at you. That's not how I roll. You made an honest mistake, and I'm certainly not the sort of immature, juvenile dick to mock someone for such a thing. There's nothing to be gained for such behaviour, and sure as shit I wouldn't tolerate it. I honestly did not realize how it may have been misconstrued, that's on me.
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