Recommend a basic bodybuilding program to me

You will need to work on your diet I bet.
Kid at work same height/weight as you wanted to run gear, told him I’d help him if he hit 200 lbs first. He became so crazed with eating, he would eat in the bathroom at work while taking a leak.
Anyhow in 2 months he hit 200 lbs, and told me he was going to keep going first before using gear.
Best part is he knows I’d say he was full of shit, so he takes a video of his lifts. He did a 495 lb squat for 1 rep, ass to the ground, natural.

I would personally get your training and diet down or your first useage pf gear will be disappointing. And yeah, 250 a week is more than enough, i only used 300 a week on my first cycle
Another piece of advice I'd like to offer as well is this....pick a program, whatever program and dont run ANY gear until you've plateaued in that program. Track you workouts in a log book, have a couple deload phases and when you truely plateaued THEN add in the gear. You will be much further ahead in the long game doing this this way.
Is suggest you to go check out John Meadow's youtube page "mountaindog1". He has more than a thousand of videos giving advice on training, diet, exercices, etc... for beginners and advanced people.

I'm using his "Creeping Death 2" Pull/push/legs training right now. I absolutely love it. Not for beginners tho.

here is one of them :
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