Personal Trainers that say you have to do this or that are wrong... Cause You are Unique


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When I started reading this article The 3 Best Rows For Growth there was a statement "Building a strong, muscular back requires more than just deadlifts and pull-ups. You need heavy horizontal pulling and lots of it". What a goof ball. A great back can be built with lots of deadlifts ( Romanians, partials, high pulls, conventional, sumo's) and pullup variations (, hands out sideways ... with weights attached). I would agree with him if he said " A strong back can be built with deadlifts and pull-ups however heavy rowing can assist big time as well ". I built a very good back with deads and pullups, but various rowing movements helped me as well especially bent rows when I was younger, seated rows and dumbbell rows as I got older. Actually I tried this one workout methodology where you train one body part, or parts ,and you took one exercise (I took seated rows on day, also pullups one day) and did it for 30 to 40 minutes varying the weight, doing contractions holds, rest pauses, different rep range, forced reps. When ever I did this I normally hurt so bad the next 2 days, I could not train again until the 3rd day. Read articles that say you must do this or that ... silly ... everyone is different, find the formula that works for you.