No end in sight to this stupdity

Those are not the reasons for the energy crises. Pre Biden the US had a surplus, for the first time in its history they were going to export oil. To make things worse he’s now using up oil reserves, reserves that were put there for extreme emergencies, not for piss poor failed green energy policies.

Canada also had a surplus untill that tyrant shut the industry down but didnt think that was enough hes working on making pipe lines illigal

Germany had nuclear power, more than enough to supply the country with energy plus massive coal deposits. They couldnt have cared less about Russias oil yet somehow them being at war is the cause of the shortage not them shutting down nuclear plant’s and ceasing coal production

The Russian war causing the energy crisis is governments narrative and as long as we buy into it we're royally fucked.

Oh and I’ve even heard peeps say how its Opecs greed that is the cause of oil shortages 🙄🤣
I agree it's failed energy policy that made us dependant on foreign energy in the first place.