Favorite exercises

I have been doing some experimenting lately. Doing all dumbbell workouts one week, and barbell the next. Just cause my set up depending where i am that week.
Been doing lots one arm barbell rows with different variations. Been feeling pretty good.
the dumbbells have been good workouts. Playing with angles and squeezing.
@Harley00 ; nice suggestion and improvisation with the lying delt raise; whatever feels comfortable and helps you to isolate the muscle better I’m all for it. There’s some things that I do that don’t work for other guys but I find great results. IE. a single arm D handle Row with a full-stretch; I can absolutely destroy my lats with this; where I wouldn’t be able to get the same off just a lat pulldown movement. Takes time though to learn. 98% of any movement I do is controlled (I aim
For 100%, obviously!) but pushing yourself past your limits there’s always a tiny bit of recruitment from other areas to compensate, hence why I’m saying I have 98% control of the total rep when training
Some of mine....although they tend to swap every several months.

-Flat DB bench
-bodyweight dips
-ez bar french press
-seated db shoulder press
-floor laying cuff cable lateral
-banded single leg press
-BB bent row
-snatch grip RDL
-laying db leg curl (foam roller under hips)
-single arm underhand machine pillow
-standing 1 arm 45 degree pulldown/row
High rear delt cables - opposite hands

High incline Smith press - 2nd or 3rd highest bench setting so it is higher than a fixed incline bench.

Dumbell Pullovers - lot focus, big stretch, don't pull it too far over your nips.

Banded Hack Squats (Atlantis or Icarian, others are trash that I've tried) - Pause in the hole, explode out, 3 sec neg.

Seated DB lateral raise - head back and in a fixed position.

Hanging Leg Raise - supported, super slow, squeeze abs, don't just throw legs up.