Why Petting a Dog is Good for Your Brain

Why @Goldenrod is such a brainiac.
I agree 100%, I read awhile back that some earthing can have good benefits and that dogs with 4 feet on the ground are good for earthing or grounding ability which has benefits of its own and healthy apparently..
I agree 100%, I read awhile back that some earthing can have good benefits and that dogs with 4 feet on the ground are good for earthing or grounding ability which has benefits of its own and healthy apparently..
I'm going to start crawling on my hands and knees.
My st bernard has started jumping up on the bed with us at 3am ish everynight. That king size bed gets small quick. He snores louder then me.
Should be mad, but its kinda funny.
Also if your about to go upstairs, he blocks you on the stairs to get butt rubs for 10 mins before he lets you pass.
How about petting a cat?
Albeit you were being funny @Bagua - couldn't agree more. They are so many studies on how petting a dog lowers your BP (assume cat would be the same @Sorbate). Although it is just dogs now, all animals seem to bring 'something' I can't explain. Growing up on a farm - we had many animals that were for meat and they became pets - cows, pigs, etc. They were affectionate and an hour barn chores turns into 2 hours because your talking to and petting your animals in the barn lol.