type 2 diabetes

I'm just kind of rambling on now but also quality of life comes into question. At a certain age who are we to deny someone their simple pleasures in life no matter how toxic. You'll be lucky if he actually wants to change but some old fellows are just as happy eating or drinking or smoking themselves into oblivion. Especially if his wife has already passed. I'm going through something similar with my father but for him it's blood pressure. He knows it's high and doesn't care, won't try meds it's like he doesn't really care what happens at his age.

True... BUT my father was 40 when he was diagnosed with type 2.. He was told "eat better, loose 50 lbs and you'll no longer be diabetic".. He was and still is a AWFUL eater and lazy as shit.. so he knew they would jsut give him more meds regardless of what he did for himself because he wanted to still live the way he wanted to live..

He was 40 with 5 kids to feed and raise... not 70 and no dependants...

I agree with what you say with some people, but man too many ppl have that attitude that shouldn't imo.