Tips or info on self perscribed ugl blood pressure medication


The Kodiak
Trusted Member
I'm thinking it'd be handy to have some blood pressure medication on hand for next cycle. My plan is ugl telmisartan. Just wondering if there's any thing I should know if I'm going to run it myself with a doctor's supervision. Doses, side effects, more effective or safer alternatives etc. Any info is appreciated.
Also is there any rebound effect if I stop it at the end of cycling, maybe if ugl cholesterol meds are worthwhile too.
Medscape. Medical News Today, Mayo Clinic and WebMD all have drug profile information.
Yea I know that I've read up on it. Just it doesn't mention much on temporary use for underground gear heads who only use it while cycling lol. Thanks though still appreciated
Sorry I meant more anecdotal info. I'm only asking because I was planning on doing ugl cholesterol medicatiom but it didn't take long for a few people to suggest against it based on their experiences
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Sorry I meant more anecdotal info. I'm only asking because I was planning on doing ugl cholesterol medicatiom but it didn't take long for a few people to suggest against it based on their experiences
Do you drink a lot of coffee? I used to be a 5 cup a day kind of guy. BP was always fine off cycle, but on cycle it got bad. I stopped drinking coffee except for an energy drink pre workout. (I know it’s the same thing, but I’m addicted to the taste of coffee and can’t have just one)

Now my BP usually stays in a good range except for my post a couple days ago lol. I was drinking coffee again. I feel like it’s coffee diuretic effect competing with the gears water retention or something in my case.
Honestly, I’d have a professional overlook your blood pressure meds. It’s not hard to get a script, and you don’t need to disclose PED use. Not every drug will work well for everyone. This will allow you to experiment with different protocols to find what works for you.
Do you drink a lot of coffee? I used to be a 5 cup a day kind of guy. BP was always fine off cycle, but on cycle it got bad. I stopped drinking coffee except for an energy drink pre workout. (I know it’s the same thing, but I’m addicted to the taste of coffee and can’t have just one)

Now my BP usually stays in a good range except for my post a couple days ago lol. I was drinking coffee again. I feel like it’s coffee diuretic effect competing with the gears water retention or something in my case.
I only drink decaf but I have adhd so I'm also on stimulants for that.
why not just go get a doctor to look at your bp?
It's not usually high just sometimes on cycle it might not even go up this time but I thought it might be smart to have some on hand. My doctor knows I'm really fit and if I just go in some day with 150 over 80 he might think somethings seriously wrong. I also need to get medicals done regularly for work so things like blood pressure and ped use if he caught on could fuck up my job.
There is a sticky here on Nigella Sativa. I put up a thread and Bull made it a sticky. Most of the ones I recommend also help with inflammation and other issues you can have with a somewhat significant cycle.
Always get to a doc if you have BP issues and discuss meds which you already know but I got the impression you were referring to alternatives and if using them and then stopping if there was a problem. If that is the case then yes, I can list 3 that should/will most likely keep your BP in check. They do not replace a doctor's advice or a doctor monitoring you but I am older than you, had higher BP for a while and brought it down and my RHR to around 50 with supplements. I hate cardio unless it is two items I enjoy doing - you will never see me on a stationary bike, stepper, etc.
Look at @Funnyman as an example - he uses some supplements, is older, and has an excellent BP. I suspect his diet also has a part to play.

Only issue is cost of Carleson's fish oil - it is expensive but consider it one of the best and that brand recommendation came from Funnyman. We can say something is expensive but then again it doesn't matter how much cash you have if you don't have your health or even worse.

If this is what you meant - I can list the three I find to work well and are not expensive except for the fish oil. Some people use Costco or Walmart brand and are content with it too.

Just an opinion but don't wait for it to go up and treat it, if your going on a cycle take supplements along with the cycle - they help with inflammation, lipids, BP, etc. Hopefully, they prevent you from fighting to get it back down and stop it from ever getting high. If it does - listen to the wise people above and get a script from your doctor. You don't need to buy UGL meds - any doc will prescribe BP meds and with literature taken in with you and a preference for a specific drug, any non arrogant doc will give you telmisartan.
There is a sticky here on Nigella Sativa. I put up a thread and Bull made it a sticky. Most of the ones I recommend also help with inflammation and other issues you can have with a somewhat significant cycle.
Always get to a doc if you have BP issues and discuss meds which you already know but I got the impression you were referring to alternatives and if using them and then stopping if there was a problem. If that is the case then yes, I can list 3 that should/will most likely keep your BP in check. They do not replace a doctor's advice or a doctor monitoring you but I am older than you, had higher BP for a while and brought it down and my RHR to around 50 with supplements. I hate cardio unless it is two items I enjoy doing - you will never see me on a stationary bike, stepper, etc.
Look at @Funnyman as an example - he uses some supplements, is older, and has an excellent BP. I suspect his diet also has a part to play.

Only issue is cost of Carleson's fish oil - it is expensive but consider it one of the best and that brand recommendation came from Funnyman. We can say something is expensive but then again it doesn't matter how much cash you have if you don't have your health or even worse.

If this is what you meant - I can list the three I find to work well and are not expensive except for the fish oil. Some people use Costco or Walmart brand and are content with it too.

Just an opinion but don't wait for it to go up and treat it, if your going on a cycle take supplements along with the cycle - they help with inflammation, lipids, BP, etc. Hopefully, they prevent you from fighting to get it back down and stop it from ever getting high. If it does - listen to the wise people above and get a script from your doctor. You don't need to buy UGL meds - any doc will prescribe BP meds and with literature taken in with you and a preference for a specific drug, any non arrogant doc will give you telmisartan.
I got a big bottle of black seed oil buy I read it can interact with a medication I'm taking. Zoloft. Apparently it raises seritonin and can cause seritonan syndrome.
Treat the cause not the symptoms. My 2 cents
Can you elaborate on that brother? I do cardio I'm low body fat low carbs, low sodium... it's just for on cycle but I'm hoping an a.i will cover water retention but it's just a precaution to have on hand
I just know a lot of health guys like Stan effording, Peter attia, David Sinclair are all for bp meds and longevity. I figured what's the harm in temporary use. There's a reason why some ugl's carry it
Im not a doctor to tell you why ur bp is high or not. But, there has to be a reason it is. Treat that so u dont need the meds.

If the reason is that you are planning a massive dose long cycle, then order some. Thats the reason labs and suppliers carry it. Its for the hardcore aas user that needs it to stay alive.
Can you take 5 mg if daily cialis?
That will drop it about 8-10 points on both after about a week.

Too bad about black seed oil though because it really works.

I find keeping hydrated enough on cycle helps as well.

Not sure about the meds, guess it would be trial and error.

Maybe if you asked guys what they were using, what their bp used to be and what it is now, you could get a starting dose, then start lower increasing slowly every week if you don’t get to where you want to be.
Im not a doctor to tell you why ur bp is high or not. But, there has to be a reason it is. Treat that so u dont need the meds.

If the reason is that you are planning a massive dose long cycle, then order some. Thats the reason labs and suppliers carry it. Its for the hardcore aas user that needs it to stay alive.
Most guys once they get to a certian level of mass need bp medication.

IMO being overly muscular is as hard on the body in some aspects (like blood pressure) as being overly fat.
I got a big bottle of black seed oil buy I read it can interact with a medication I'm taking. Zoloft. Apparently it raises seritonin and can cause seritonan syndrome.
I'm not going to give out medical advice on serotonin syndrome (I can provide info but you know best and and clearly read a lot) as it can be a serious issue but it takes a lot to get it for most. I realize 'they' have to cautious because tramadol, SAME, a lot of foods, SSRI's, and a host of products can increase your serotonin.
I would be very surprised if black seed oil or even two supplements that can impact serotonin would cause the issue but I won't tell you take it - it is a serious issue. Better to be cautious I guess, but there are foods that would increase your serotinin more than Nigella Sativa or Tramadol (script medication) for pain.
Few years ago I was having some weird symptoms so the internal medicine specialist did a 24 hour 5-HIAA urine test to check for cardinoid tumors. I tested positive but the dumb fucker forgot to tell me all the foods, supplements, and medication that can impact and give false positives. I looked it up in my medical books and asked for a second test. I was sure I didn't have a tumour - even a slow growing one like a carcinoid tumor. Anyway, I asked to do it again because I had no idea and cut out all the food, supplements, and I take tramadol periodically for my meniscus tear and degenerative joints and made sure I didn't. It is considered an opioid but before anyone thinks this is like Oxycontin or Dilaudid - it isn't, it is like a stronger Tylenol and vets are moving away from using it as they find it doesn't work well. It is better than nothing and better than a Tylenol, which I won't touch, but not much better. It is prescribed fairly often because it isn't like other 'opioids'. Even docs and pharmacists say Tramadol will hit your opioid receptors making it a good medication for people in withdrawal for strong narcotics but it isn't considered a strong opioid and would be at the lowest - one pharmacist told me it wasn't an opioid but it is. Anyway - my numbers dropped by a massive number and I was negative.
The doctor was amazed so asked to do a third and I did, same result as I made sure I avoided all the serotonin increasing food/products. My reason for saying this is my serotonin was high enough to test positive for the medical test but not near enough to cause the syndrome.

I don't know if you are on a SSRI and respect your opinion as I know you would have read, and educated yourself. Just another thought but do what you are comfortable with and what your doctor says.

Back to BP - black seed oil is my go to but I mentioned 3 I use. There are many more if needed but never needed more than 3. If you wish to discuss alternative options happy to but if not and you want to go the pharmaceutical route I understand.

edit - I now see you are on Zoloft, a SSRI. For safety sake I would stick with the other options that I feel work almost as well and in combo just as well but more expensive. If you want to chat let me know.

Best of luck.