Staking crypto, trading bots, mining.


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I know there's alot of people here that are crypto gurus.
I want to bring up the big 3 when it comes to investments mining being the largest involved.
Get feedback from fellow investors and advice on the smart way to go.
This might be good for people who are still unsure about it and could quickly learn how a 15k invest could yield $100+ a day return.

I mainly mine crypto, when I looked at options i thought this was the way to go.
but I've been looking at selling out and directly staking.
My power bill every month is the number 1 reason.

Staking crypto can yield 50-100% apr but I have reserved feelings about leaving tens of thousands of dollars on exchanges or pancake swap.

Running bots on 3 commas or kucoin yields about 1-1.5%+ daily proffit but can also have large impact when value crash.

Mining is simple you can adjust what your doing, it's guaranteed steady income.
I'm sick of paying a power bill and my basement is not usable 8 months of the year from the gpu heat.
My maintenance costs every month could be proffits.