Myth of the Greatest lab


Sorry to bust a few bubbles but there is just no greatest lab. There are labs you have tried and liked. There are labs you have tried and did not like. There are labs you have not tried and will try. There are labs you have not tried and never will try for various reasons. There are labs that you have never heard of. There are just so many many labs out there. But the one thing is there is just no greatest lab. Every lab is different. Some have great packaging and presentation. Some labs have 4 year old kids making their labels and deciding which packaging to use for their orals. And their labels look like they hired a blind person to apply them lmfao :) Some labs in your opinion will have great orals and their injects suck. Some the orals are great but in your opinion the injects suck. Some lab reps could use a few lessons in customer relations. Some reps are knowledgeable and some are just grumpy fuc ks. :)

There is a best lab you have tried so far. But nope there is just no greatest lab.
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I'm just thankful that they exist for people that need them etc
Too much self serving BS in the corporate pharma world, keeping helpful compounds away from people
My thoughts are like you said best lab for me may not be the best lab for someone else. It’s very subjective and from those I talk to personally a lot have tried a lot of different labs and most of the times the guys settle on the one with the best customer service as well as products.

If it works for you awesome! If it doesn’t move on, but the deal of “ohhh this is the best lab bro” is all subjective. IMO
If the formulation of the products meet your standards and needs for most board and user approved labs, it will ultimately boil down to customer service.

There might be bad batches on occasion which will throw people off, but the industry has recalls all the time too.

Bad batches may not necessarily be due to formulation or production process but could also be storage and transport conditions.

Trial and error will be your partner throughout life.
Lots of truth in this post. And very anyone with half a brain should know this. I've known of labs starting off that would overdose just to impress and create a client base but that isnt sustainable. Just as everything else consistancy in all aspects is what makes a great lab in my books.
I agree there is no greatest lab . Everyone has there own opinions and experiences. What is great for one may not be for another .
Even long time great labs could suddenly go bad.As in the owner goes on extended vacations.
Best lab I ever used had the worst labels ever lol..

Worst lab I ever used had really decent labels ( This was 15 years ago.. and they went out of business 14 years ago lol)
Best lab I ever used had the worst labels ever lol..

Worst lab I ever used had really decent labels ( This was 15 years ago.. and they went out of business 14 years ago lol)

I dont doubt it but I'm a strong believe that if you take pride in your work your labels should reflect that pride. Not saying that a shitty label cant have good gear.
I dont doubt it but I'm a strong believe that if you take pride in your work your labels should reflect that pride. Not saying that a shitty label cant have good gear.

I absolutley agree. That lab with horrible labels but the best gear was a long time ago and I was a poor student. No way would I even consider a lab now if they didn't look, act, and handle themselves completely proffesioanlly.. because theres tons of labs out there, why settle for unproffessional?
Like I've said before.
So many qaulity Labs to choose from.
I'm obviously not going to name them all but I've tried more than a few Canadian UGLs.
The usual suspects all have legit gear (the 4 or 5 big and popular ones)
I settled on my current lab because...
1) The ancillary list is rock star (for my specific needs) one of the factors being they carry both T3 AND T4.. many labs dont.
2) My rep is a great dude who gives me great advice and service.

Is their gear the best?
Probably not
You can only get so inventive when it comes to 250mg per ML.
So long as the gear accurately dosed... awesome.

That idea of "Best" will change by the person.
Someone else "Best" lab.... will be the one with the best Test 400 or cheapest Tren.

All personal experience.
The lab that is a one stop shop. There are tons of great labs, I prefer to not pay multiple shipping charges because their injects are good but orals suck. Good consistent quality is important to me
The lab that is the most consistent is the best lab.

I'll have to add to this..

One quality which a good lab needs to have is accurate dosing, not just strong dosing.

I know in the past I've used labs that over dosed some products. Many think overdosing is a great thing, I think its not and its unprofffesional and can potenitally cause the buyer a lot of grief.
I'll have to add to this..

One quality which a good lab needs to have is accurate dosing, not just strong dosing.

I know in the past I've used labs that over dosed some products. Many think overdosing is a great thing, I think its not and its unprofffesional and can potenitally cause the buyer a lot of grief.

I run my doses so low now, if they double dosed test I’d be running the 500 mg beginner cycle, lol.