Kid problems .


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I have my oldest daughter new teen she is having little boy issues and friend drama typical coming of age things but made me nervous the other day when she said why doesn't he like me and why does he like her . Then went on to say maybe I should kill myself nobody would care . Is this something I should take serious and seek a professional for her or can daddy take care of this . What do you guys think ? I'm scared and also at a loss of what to do . Is it just attention ?
@Capemuscle most kids go through a phase where they say things like that. The problem is even if it is blurted out in teen angst, it needs to be taken seriously. Does that entail a trip to a Child Psychologist/ Therapist? That is up to you. Have a serious discussion with your kid about how much you do love her and she is the world to you. Daddy can take care of it but be vigilant in watching how she responds. As @flexappeal stated it can be the same as the old I hate you statement.
I would be scared as well, but you can manage it to the best of your ability. You know her best, but remember she is going through the most major of life changes and those hormones will be playing on her emotions for quite a while. Teens are tough to work with especially in parenting. Every day can be a challenge.
Nearly 300 kids a year commit suicide in Canada. Those stats suck.
Thanks guys , I just didn't know where to turn she's a daddy's girl and it hurt me so much to even hear that come from her mouth. She still gives me hugs when most kids her age wouldn't. I think I'm going to take her for a drive me and her and have a serious heart to heart.
2 years ago my 17 yr old son told me to fuck myself and he didn't want me in his life anymore.

I told him that if he thought I was going to walk away after all I gave up and sacrificed for him he was crazy, and to buckle up because i love him and I'm not going anywhere.

Best conversation we ever had.

We've been great every since.
I have a daughter and I am terrified of when it's my turn to deal with this kind of thing. She's only 5 and her emotions are a total roller coaster.
It's not that they're ever really bad... it's that they're dumb!

This is what I refer to (hope not to scare the fathers here): friends of my wife that lived in another country just moved back to Canada with their daughter. She's 13 and started cutting her wrists in the attention seeking way (across the wrist) and the mother dug into why... to impress a boy she liked she gave him a BJ and he filmed it on his phone and showed EVERYONE at school and uploaded to social media. Totally ruined the poor girl

She's such a great kid and did not deserve this. I tried to fish the guys info but the parents knew what I was up to and flat out refused to want to get even in any way, they just want to forget it and move on.

All it takes for kids these days is one slip and it's so much worse than back in our day when shit was all just word of mouth and you could cast doubt on peoples gossip to save face.
I have a 15 year old boy. He is big, athletic, handsome (gets if from his mom), plays in a band, is popular, etc so we were shocked a year ago when he left us a letter talking about the struggles he was having. It broke our hearts.

I was very fortunate to have a close friend that was a teen psychologist. My pride made it hard to reach out but i did. My son refused to talk to him but i meet with him several times and he helped me understand the teenage mind (a little) and gave me some tools for talking with my son. This is a hard complicated world for kids today...don't let things fester, get good solid advice either for her or for you.
She said dad I know you love me , it's not you or mom she said . It's over a little boy that wanted to be with one of her friends , he wanted to be with the other girl because of her body because she was a little more developed . I told her there will be more boys that like her for her and who she is . And as far as her friend I told her real friends wouldn't do that to each other and let it blow over it will be fine. And she said daddy I really wo
She said dad I know you love me , it's not you or mom she said . It's over a little boy that wanted to be with one of her friends , he wanted to be with the other girl because of her body because she was a little more developed . I told her there will be more boys that like her for her and who she is . And as far as her friend I told her real friends wouldn't do that to each other and let it blow over it will be fine. And she said daddy I really wouldn't hurt myself. But this is still burning in the back of my mind.
It's not that they're ever really bad... it's that they're dumb!

This is what I refer to (hope not to scare the fathers here): friends of my wife that lived in another country just moved back to Canada with their daughter. She's 13 and started cutting her wrists in the attention seeking way (across the wrist) and the mother dug into why... to impress a boy she liked she gave him a BJ and he filmed it on his phone and showed EVERYONE at school and uploaded to social media. Totally ruined the poor girl

She's such a great kid and did not deserve this. I tried to fish the guys info but the parents knew what I was up to and flat out refused to want to get even in any way, they just want to forget it and move on.

All it takes for kids these days is one slip and it's so much worse than back in our day when shit was all just word of mouth and you could cast doubt on peoples gossip to save face.

I would be very vigilant with that kid. I've seen it way too many times.
Ohh man I'm there my oldest is 14 and FML I honestly did not think boys were little asshole pricks until now

Even when I was younger I thought it was all fun and games now I actually feel like a piece of shit for how I was when I was younger

My daughter came home home crying because same situation why does the boys I have a crush on like my friend and not me

I explained to her what boys are like and why they do what they do

After I explained to her that instead of being nice to the boys that you think are hot and want to date I said when a boy is interested in you get him to do nice things for you and make him work for your attention and don't give him credit for anything

The ones that will like you for more than just a second base feel up won't go to your friend they will still be buying you pops a month down the road and carying your books and still being nice

That's the boy you want to date and be interested in because to that boy you won't be bro points on a score board

Any boy that only wants to use you a play toy or to fool around with he will give up after about 2 weeks sometimes alot less time and go somewhere else trust me on this

Me basically being honest with her about what boys are like has changed her and she's stronger now

Man I've been through some mentally wtf moments but nothing has toped female pre teen into young teen hormonal puberty
my youngest is gonna be there in another 3 years and I'm just not ready for round two yet
Like man time flys you don't think it but fuck it flys

The worst is when they come home crying there's no automatic aww hunny what happend that comes out it's like a light switch of pure anger you just want to go upstairs and load the gun but you breath and talk it out with them

Best thing you can do is hugs and talks
giving them a cell phone to they do alot more talking than in person sometimes they can't get the words out in person but they can't text for miles
Oh the cell phone dont get me started this snap chat thing is one of her problems man people can be mean on that.

Omg lol yes our daughter she used to have everyone and there dog on her social media something about having a friend count I don't get it and also liking there own posts is another thing I don't understand

She still has alot of people on there i wish she wouldn't, but she eventually got to where only people from her school is on there and once in awhile I'll ask her if that person is mean why don't you block them

There's alot I want to step in with but as my wife says they have to learn and hopefully get things figured out