Frankie the mouser. Tell us about your pets?


I was very lucky to have my cat Frankie come into my home. He dose not like me much but omg I sure love him. He is a 16 year old Maine coon rescue. He was in the same home for 16 years and the couple that had him started to fight. The husband began to lash out at Frankie and forced the woman to get rid of him. The rescue folks where stuck with no one wanting a 16 year old cat but me. All I wanted was a cat no one else wanted that wanted a good life and well that is Frankie. Its been about 6 months now and he does come up to see me. He will even sleep right beside me and only moves if he realizes I know he is there. First day I got him I went up to say hi and he took his mouth and bit very lightly on my finger. I am sure he was saying he has teeth and we can get along as long as I do not hurt him. I take real good care of him and am so happy to have him here. He is a great mouser. Most times I can get the mouse from him before its killed and toss it outside. Last night he got two mice. One before bed that I tossed outside and another I found dead by my bed this morning.

My dog is named Willow. Willow is a bone headed dog. She is part fox hound part beagle. She is a real sweet heart but omg she is such a insecure dog. I have to tell her to go pee or she will go outside and just sit and wait until I let her back in. She will not eat until I tell her to eat. I love her to bits but omg she is a pain. She spends every waking moment by my side. I took a holiday this year and was gone 10 days. When I got back she smiled and smiled and smiled and went around and around in happy dancing circles. I realized then just how much this dog loves me. And yes I love her to.37580876_349617282238954_8530494791538966528_n.jpg
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We have a dog, 2 cats and a fish...

I won't post pictures, but usually the cats we get are strays that show up at our house in -40.. One of our current cats was a stray, the other was a pet a family wanted to get rid of. We like having cat's around because they keep the mice down and we live in the bush beside a field so mice are everywhere.

Sadly both cats are really lazy and don't catch many mice.

Our dog was an expensive german shepard that was trained by proffesionals before we got him for police work. Great dog.

The fish is just a chinese fighting fish we got for the kids.