Donating Blood

I donate a few times a year..

All the blood donated gets tested for everything under the sun.. So any bad blood gets caught..

they would rahter you be truthful in your responses because they can toss your blood before it gets dumped in with all the blood for that type they got that day.

The nurse told me everyone of same blood type gets pooled together, but the little bags they pull from you get sent off for testing. If one of those bags tests positive for something, that entire load they got that day must be dumped since its all tainted now.

I am guessing if you say yes to injecting illegal drugs they will toss your blood and you'll be flagged though and possibel denied donating forever. At this point, if you have high iron or RBC's you can get a script from a doctor to just get your blood sucked out at any clinic/blood clinic they do testing at.

First time I donated I got a letter stating my blood tested positive for HIV.. Then the letter went on to say they retested my blood several times using a more accurate HIV test and it tested negative to HIV.. so I don't have HIV.. but there was something in my blood that set the machine off. In order to donate again, I had to get a blood test on my own time showing I did not have HIV (again).. Once I did that ttest I could donate again..
But the kicker I saw was, the letter said if my blood sets off the machine for false positve for HIV every again, I can not donate for life.. I asked the nurse and she said its because the second I set the machine off for HIV, all the blood that my blood was mixed with that day gets tossed out and they can't afford the risk of tossing all the blood out again.