Conspiracy Facts-Now we know what “Covid 19” was really about.

Didnt realize not wanting to eat toxic chemicals was just a lefty environmentalist thing, but if so then yeah. I have issues with the shit they spray on our food, spray in the air, and dump in the rivers/lakes/oceans. I am in favour of good health and these things cant be very good for us or the things we eat.

I'm going to add here. A friend of mine, (he's in the south) told me his girlfriend got the vaccine. I didn't press it too much but gave him the warning about women having period issues, etc. A month has passed since she's received. No period. I don't know if she has taken a pregnancy test to rule that out but, if and when she does I'll try to remember to update. Perhaps she is. If she is, will she miscarry?

I also got a email from one of the seniors from church about the vaccine... We have never really spoke about it just that it's the mark of the beast. I brought up the mRNA in them. He flat out told me that it's aborted fetus's. There is no way in making dna/mrna without human cells. Cot'Dayum!
you really believe anything you read? you have to be more critical bro
article was written by:

Emil Kirkegaard​

Emil Ole William Kirkegaard (online aliases: Deleet,[1] Deleetdk,[2] EmilOWK) is a Danish far-right eugenicist and activist for legalising child pornography. He has a wide range of crank views and is a global-warming denier, anti-feminist, ableist, homophobe, Islamophobe, transphobe and has promoted white supremacy.[3][4][5][6][7][8] He is most notorious and obnoxious online for his ableism and calling transgender people, liberals, feminists and pretty much anyone with left-wing political views who merely disagrees with him as "mentally ill".
If I was to guess, a rational explanation for the difference could that liberal minded might people feel less stigma around mental illness, and therefore more likely to seek help than their conservative counterparts. Ergo while more likely to be diagnosed, not necessarily making up a higher percentage of the population in mental disorders.
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Does everyone remember that time that the “FACT CHECKERS” “debunked” the claims that covid 19 was man made in a Lab in Wuhan China? Ya, me too. So i guess that is all the proof we need to see that these so called fact checkers do no real investigation just spew leftist propaganda.
keep in mind, the same fact checkers said Joe Biden won the 2020 election. Gonna be a hot summer, buckle up! Lol
there is no proof and if there was it was destroyed by the ccp. only hope is a defector. the news is on the new narrative that it could be from a lab. it gets more eyeball than talking about actual complicated and boring policy. if you want to pat yourself on the back, go for it. i dont trust anything they say when they start spouting theories. biden did win the election until there is any evidence that says otherwise.
there is no proof and if there was it was destroyed by the ccp. only hope is a defector. the news is on the new narrative that it could be from a lab. it gets more eyeball than talking about actual complicated and boring policy. if you want to pat yourself on the back, go for it. i dont trust anything they say when they start spouting theories. biden did win the election until there is any evidence that says otherwise.
Suppressing evidence, refusing to look at or even denying evidence exists is not the same as saying there is no proof. One of the main problems I see is that when evidence finally comes out and the proof exists people fail to see the relevance of it. Or more importantly the relevance of who/why it was suppressed and denied.
The truth is often "revealed" after the consequences are diminished or the objective is obtained.
What's the difference between conspiracy theory and the truth? About 6-12 months.
what evidence? all they said is its possible. its possible i will fart daisies one day, not probable. problem with conspiracy theories is that they are all over the place. i thought bill gates made it to inject micro chips make world communist 5g illuminutty gay frogs?
what evidence? all they said is its possible. its possible i will fart daisies one day, not probable. problem with conspiracy theories is that they are all over the place. i thought bill gates made it to inject micro chips make world communist 5g illuminutty gay frogs?
Let’s be honest about a few things here. You aren’t really interested in the evidence. You just want the tv to tell you what the truth is.
If the media was reporting honestly it wouldn’t be on a new narrative. It would have pursued the evidence that spurned the theories. They could have forced out the military intelligence, the political and medical goings on long ago.
As far as the election goes, (and this is beyond getting old) there are boat loads of evidence. Much of it already in the public domaine. Have you reviewed any of it? Acknowledged its existence? Or just letting the tv tell you there is none?
What will come of this evidence should it be be judged proof or not is still to be determined. But to blindly dismiss its existence is illogical, irrational and dangerous. And really is proof of how powerful the msm really is.
I think you are wise not to trust what they say when they start spouting off their conspiracy theories. However I think you should also consider the narratives the mam push are also just that.
Have you ever had conversations with religious zealots and religious theologians?
I find it very similar to discussing politics these days. The left seem to be blind faith believers whereas the right seems to be more interested in the pursuit of truth. Regardless of where it takes them.
Granted both sides have their extremes. It’s just the left can’t deviate from what the tv evangelists tell them even after it becomes contradictory.
dont tell me what im intrested in. i said i dont follow tv narratives. and the election, the only evidence i need is what was presented to the courts and that appears to be none.
dont tell me what im intrested in. i said i dont follow tv narratives. and the election, the only evidence i need is what was presented to the courts and that appears to be none.

I'm playing the devil's advocate. How powerful do you believe the CIA is? How powerful do you believe the FBI is? How powerful do you believe the US Department of Defense is? How powerful do you presume them to be had they combined their powers and resources in the "interest of National Security" to obtain a goal? It was one thing for Trump to lie 99.9% of the time everytime his lips moved, but I think in the eyes of the majority his actions and inactions were becoming a serious National Security threat both domesticaly and internationally. I do not believe all said agencies would sit back and let their country melt down because of one clown. Do I believe he lost the election fair and square? No, I do not doubt there was an opposing force he was blind to. But that's just my opinion and I'm not basing it off of a lack of evidence. If the most powerful agencies on this planet worked together in believing they were doing it for the sake of their country then I can guarantee you they will never find evidence in multiple lifetimes. So, if you believe the election was won fair and square that's fine, but don't believe it was won fair and square on the fact that no unambiguous evidence found to say otherwise. You would be amazed to know how straight-arrow honest people in higher-up positions would stay silent the minute they were sat down and were told what to do or say in the interest of "national security", and that whatever they've been told is Classified Information.

My personal feelings are mixed about it. On one hand in a free democracy the people must choose their president. On the other hand, to what extent do you sit back and watch the wrong person chosen? What if people knew without question that this person sitting in the most powerful chair in the world was about to destroy the very fabric of their democracy, ignite civil wars like we're never seen before, on the verge creating chaos on a global scale? Do you sit back in the name of democracy and watch it all play out or do you do what you need to do in the guise of National Security.
Do I believe he lost the election fair and square? No, I do not doubt there was an opposing force he was blind to. But that's just my opinion and I'm not basing it off of a lack of evidence. If the most powerful agencies on this planet worked together in believing they were doing it for the sake of their country then I can guarantee you they will never find evidence in multiple lifetimes. So, if you believe the election was won fair and square that's fine, but don't believe it was won fair and square on the fact that no unambiguous evidence found to say otherwise. You would be amazed to know how straight-arrow honest people in higher-up positions would stay silent the minute they were sat down and were told what to do or say in the interest of "national security", and that whatever they've been told is Classified Information.
how do you know all this?
dont tell me what im intrested in. i said i dont follow tv narratives. and the election, the only evidence i need is what was presented to the courts and that appears to be none.
Watch this three part doc
Absolute Proof
Absolute Interference
Scientific Proof
You dont have to believe what they are presenting is true, but hard to dismiss it too.
And yeah, would be great to see this in court. Too bad USA court system is just as corrupt and politicized as Canada’s.
there is no proof and if there was it was destroyed by the ccp. only hope is a defector. the news is on the new narrative that it could be from a lab. it gets more eyeball than talking about actual complicated and boring policy. if you want to pat yourself on the back, go for it. i dont trust anything they say when they start spouting theories. biden did win the election until there is any evidence that says otherwise.
No proof huh? ok. Guess you dont follow too closely. And you are right, the CCP had plenty of time to destroy the evidence. Maybe they still have the blood samples from the sick lab workers, but who knows and it doesnt really matter.
And your defector came out a fucking year ago. LOL. Dr Yan. Or did you mean another defector? One the media gives you permission to hear speak?
Either way, none of this information is new. Not even close. But, need it to dominate the headlines for the next six weeks to try and overshadow Arizona, Georgia, New Hampshire, etc.
No proof huh? ok. Guess you dont follow too closely. And you are right, the CCP had plenty of time to destroy the evidence. Maybe they still have the blood samples from the sick lab workers, but who knows and it doesnt really matter.
And your defector came out a fucking year ago. LOL. Dr Yan. Or did you mean another defector? One the media gives you permission to hear speak?
Either way, none of this information is new. Not even close. But, need it to dominate the headlines for the next six weeks to try and overshadow Arizona, Georgia, New Hampshire, etc.
interesting but not conclusive