Undetectable PEDs?

Sorry if things seem to be conficting. I am also trying not to give away too much information aha, I‘m trying tk be discreet as possible be sometimes depending on what I share it might be easier for someone to find out my identity if they so wished. It‘s professional level and WADAs testing the same way they would test the NFL, MLB etc. I believe it would be a full panel drug test but the cost is always born by the organizations/leagues so I doubt they would be paying very expensive testing for things such as peptides and maybe some obscure PEDs. For sure they test recreational deugs and I‘m most certain they would test for atleast common steroids/sarms and maybe things like meldonium.
I figured that privacy was at least a part of the reason for the words you used.
On the upside I think it's very likely that the testing would be very scarce and pretty much random other than if someone is specifically brought to their attention ie "a person of interest".

FWIW I've worked with about 20 guys who are in drug tested sports and only 3 of them have ever been tested at all, 2 of those were Canadian Uni football players the other played US college and CFL and was tested a fair bit. All those guys were on programs where staff (Dr's?) supplied and administered their PED's, including injections.

The untested group includes a bunch of hockey players including a current NHLer who is 10 years in although I have not seen him in 3 years.

All those experiences mentioned above were 5+ years ago so much may have changed.

You are in a tough spot here obviously regarding the privacy part, personally asking questions - even simple, general questions might expose you as kind of a "person of interest" so you are right to be cautious and protect your identity. The goal would be to see to it that they have never heard of you lol.

So my 2 cc's ...

In case you don't know they can only currently test for substances that they have identified, these are most likely on the "prohibited list" that you can find on the WADA web page. It's not like the testing just looks for "prohibited items" it will only test for what they very specifically ask for, each test has a cost to it so they usually start with a very small standard panel tuned to a particular sport. For example an archer or target shooter would likely get tested for beta blockers but a weightlifter probably would not, all these tests cost money so they only use the very basics unless something indicates that they need to go further.

Another example is testosterone itself has no limit but they test for it and it's companion epi-testosterone. The level could be sky high but if the ratio's are within tolerance that could be the end of it. If the ratio's are out then the will do a much more expensive CIR test which can tell if the test is natural or exogenous. Actually I believe their are ways around that these days if you have the cash but let's not stray too far off topic.

What's left? Off the top of my head - supplements that you have to be really careful with and some actual drugs most of which have limits and mat not be worth the risk because the limits are so low they may not help performance and negative sides are possible.

Stuff they have not found a reason to set a protocol for or designed a test for. Mostly designer drugs. Not easy to find unless you are pretty well connected and loaded which I'm guessing you are not because otherwise you wouldn't be here :) .

Commonly available? Stims.
Caffeine - no limits
Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine - have limits
Bunch of others that have medical uses but aren't too stimmy.

If its a prescription, will it need to be undetectable?

Possibly not depending on what it is but you'd need a TUE -Therapeutic Use Exemption. Obtaining one could be a fair bit of hassle depending on the substance and also puts you on their radar. Some stuff is banned regardless of script.

@lgetlegend most of the things we discuss here are about muscle building which does not necessarily have a tremendous effect on athletic performance in hockey. Certainly being stronger and bigger helps though, no denying that. Hopefully I've not missed something obvious here but overall it feels like all the posts in this thread have it pretty well covered.

Please do report back with anything you do find out, stuff like this will always be of interest to a bunch of the members. Good Luck!
As I mentioned above, I played two varsity sports at university and the drug test panel was huge.

Before you jump in with both feet, you should think about hiring a sport specific trainer. A buddy of mine trained a few NHL players and one guy in particular went from a good player to being on the all star team.
That‘s crazy! Any way you could find out what he was taking?😂