Reusing syringes?

0.70cc a day, 70mg of test/day if I‘m correct.
I'd probably just go the slin pin route, grab the longest ones you can, if it doesn't go deep enough it will leave a welt for a couple days, I wouldn't reuse syringes oil sitting inside plastic unsealed is asking for bacteria growth, it's not worth having to get an abcess drained or surgically removed, stay safe, get your bloods done and monitor your blood pressure daily, I bought a wrist monitor from Amazon and it is surprisingly accurate and it was like 40 bucks and unless you have some crazy thick wrists it will fit

I'd probably just go the slin pin route, grab the longest ones you can, if it doesn't go deep enough it will leave a welt for a couple days, I wouldn't reuse syringes oil sitting inside plastic unsealed is asking for bacteria growth, it's not worth having to get an abcess drained or surgically removed, stay safe, get your bloods done and monitor your blood pressure daily, I bought a wrist monitor from Amazon and it is surprisingly accurate and it was like 40 bucks and unless you have some crazy thick wrists it will fit
I use 5/16" insulin syringes all the time, no welts, but I don't inject in my stomach or love handles. I like using a shallow needle because if you do get an infection is cellulitis instead of an abscess in the muscle.
I use 5/16" insulin syringes all the time, no welts, but I don't inject in my stomach or love handles. I like using a shallow needle because if you do get an infection is cellulitis instead of an abscess in the muscle.
I've never had an issue with welting in the glutes it was mainly from shoulders as I don't carry much body fat there, I tried subq stomach once, won't do that again lol, I have some 5/16 in my drawer maybe I'll give it a shot, where do you usually pin with the shorter ones?
I've never had an issue with welting in the glutes it was mainly from shoulders as I don't carry much body fat there, I tried subq stomach once, won't do that again lol, I have some 5/16 in my drawer maybe I'll give it a shot, where do you usually pin with the shorter ones?
I don’t like to pin shoulders because you get a bump look after a while, and you can see where you have been injecting the gear.
I do. Ventroglutes, rear delts, thighs. If you are only doing like 1/2 cc or so I’ll do tris as well, sometimes traps. Chest can be done also, but 1/2 cc as well. Rear delts, traps and chest, legs it is kinda like a very shallow IM.