Karate. The way of the empty hand. Morio Higaonna. Goju Ryu

Hey @Bagua, My wife and I had a long “discussion” about her lack of exercise last week. You know, only the type of honest conversation you can have after 25 years married. SO she went out this week and joined Uechi Ryu (under a friend of mine.)

Lol she either heard my message about exercise and health or she wants to kick my ass.

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Hey @Bagua, My wife and I had a long “discussion” about her lack of exercise last week. You know, only the type of honest conversation you can have after 25 years married. SO she went out this week and joined Uechi Ryu (under a friend of mine.)

Lol she either heard my message about exercise and health or she wants to kick my ass.

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That is cool! I love Uechi Ryu. Their Sanchin is cool.