Gender identity in sports

Okay you thing transgender powerlifting is ridiculous? Look what happening to pro wrestling

I just thought this was hilarious when I saw it

it is where are world is heading :)

and here goes flame away.

you got a dick your a man. you may think your a woman but your a man that thinks he is a woman
you got a vagina your a woman. you may think your a man but your still a woman. a confused woman but what else is new lol
^I was just thinkng this at work the other day. Our Men's room is a disgusting dump with piss on absolutely everything (which is kind of impressive sometimes that someone would go to that extreme), Women's room has classical music playing and angels wiping your ass. If I wear something pink does that let me use the womens room?
I've decided that I need to start identifying as a woman so I can use the pink port-a-potties on jobsites.... They're so much cleaner

Not sure about that when I worked for the parks dept, the new guy always had to clean the woman’s washrooms. There was always a dreaded “red rattler” in one of the toilets. It never failed lol
^I was just thinkng this at work the other day. Our Men's room is a disgusting dump with piss on absolutely everything (which is kind of impressive sometimes that someone would go to that extreme), Women's room has classical music playing and angels wiping your ass. If I wear something pink does that let me use the womens room?
Have you seen the South Park episode where Cartman gets his own transgender bathroom by putting a ribbon on his head?