Dracorex-Super Deca Blend

Ya im looking forward to it, ive had a good 4 month break out of gym. I normally do that after a long cycle :) Always good to give the body a good rest. Once the gear arrives will jump back on and hit it hard again.

4 months eh ? You've got to miss it...... what do you do to maintain ? Cardio or bands or something at home ?
4 months eh ? You've got to miss it...... what do you do to maintain ? Cardio or bands or something at home ?

For me its not about big size. But I do alot of walking every day, and I am a chef by trade, so normally in a hot kitchen all day and walking up and down stairs. But yes I do have bands and push ups, basic body weight stuff at home.

This was the longest break ive taken tho. I put on a bit of fat, but not very much. Still around 220 :) The last cycle I did just before the summer, I was 250 and a bloated fast mess.
Understood !!!

Wicked trade too btw. I'm sure it has its moments but gratifying for sure !!! Cant beat a great Chef
Ya its a bonus, esp having connections to distributors for meat or even other things. But yes forgot to mention I also stay on 200 mg test a week after a cycle. Usually just one cycle per year.

And not to mention I can eat pretty much anything I want while working lol. That and your always tasting what you make haha.
Probably EOD since I will want to take it with a decent dose of test and want to keep the shots 2ml or under so that I can pin the shot anywhere.
Well its only 50 mg of a shorter ester. But you have 300 mg of a longer. Plus im doing 50 mg per day of Anadrol for the first 4 weeks.

So not overly worried about the 50 mg twice a week. I react well to Deca anyways, never needed very much of it. Im going for less gear this cycle. 600 mg a week of a longer acting is more then enough for me personally.