Mr.Monkey's Log


Trusted Member
Figured it would be good to have an electronic backup of all my log-booking, note-taking and general scribbles just in case my logbook goes missing or gets destroyed and thought why not make it public. It will be make me more accountable also and ensure that I’m hitting weekly, monthly and yearly goals. I’ll try to make it not too dull but it will be filled with training numbers as I need a backup! I’ll include diet, supplementation, training and all AAS protocols within it. I am cross posting this on the other board too so apologies if you follow both.

I will add that I’m working with a very well respected and well known coach so won’t be posting too much detail/specifics regarding my diet but I will note any changes. I listen to my coach and follow what he says 100%.

Current Stats

Height: 6’3
Weight: 235lbs
BF%: 13-15

Starting with long term goals ....

1. Win class and take overall in Men’s Physique (or bikini for you guys) next year
2. Compete in pro qualifier year after
3. Pro card
4. 250lbs @ 10-12%

Shorter term goals are mostly strength orientated and will be updated as soon as they have been achieved.....

1. DB Shoulder Press; 100lbx8 (current 95x8)
2. Pullover (Nautilus); 6Px15 RP (current 5Px10x3)
3. Incline Press (Flite): 3px8 (current 2px7)
4. Hack Squat (Icarian); 4Px15 (3P+25x15)
5. Underhand BB Row; 3Px10 (2P+10x10)


All about progressive overload. Usually only 1 working set per exercise with a few feeders. Since switching to this style of training I have not looked back. It works for me and I enjoy it. I’ve also found the exercises that work for me mechanically and that I can safely overload (for example as much as I love incline BB, it’s out... as are BB squats and deadlifts). I’d say approximately 80% of my work is done on machines, Hammer Strength/Icarian plate loaded types.. My exercises very rarely change.

Monday: Back/RDL
Tuesday: Chest/Triceps
Wednesday: OFF
Thursday: Legs
Friday: Shoulders/Biceps
Saturday: Back
Sunday: OFF

Abs are trained on back days.


5x30min sessions per week. Usually done on the spin bike at a LISS/MISS speed (110-120BPM). Sometimes on the treadmill.

  1. (Pre WO): Cream of rice/Whey isolate
  2. Pre workout shake
  3. (Post WO): Flank Steak/Potatoes
  4. Flank Steak/Jasmine Rice/Whole Eggs
  5. Chicken Breast/Jasmine Rice/Green Veggies
  6. Chicken Breast/EVOO/Green Veggies
  7. Whey Isolate/Nut butter
  • Lipid (Revive)
  • Blood Pressure (Revive)
  • Kidney (Revive)
  • D3 + K2
  • Fish Oil
  • Curcumin C3/Tumeric
  • Berberine HCI
  • Ashwaganda
Current AAS Protocol
  • Test Cypionate 500mg (E3.5)
  • Primo E 400mg/week (E3.5)
  • NPP 400mg/week (pinning ED)
Have been mainly using Pareto and Syn gear as of late, with Genetec Primo & Test also making an appearance.

Current HGH
  • 2iu fasted pre cardio
  • 2iu post lift
Currently using Humatrope (Lily)

I'll keep to keep on top of this log and not let it fizzle out, like what happens with most logs (including my last one). I'll update it with blood-work and also weekly check-ins that I send to my coach.
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Nov 16 - Chest/Triceps

Incline Flite: 90x12,140x2,160x2,180x7

HS Press: 210x12x3x3

HS 1arm Decline: 180x8, 3Px8, 3P+30x 9(R), 7(L)

Machine Fly: 225x12, 225x10

*40lb DB stretch under load, 2min*

One arm pushdown (spongy): 100x9x5 (R), 100x8x4 (L)

HS Dips: 2PX4, 3P+25x10

O'head Ext: 165x7x3x2

30mins fasted spin bike
Nov 17 - Legs

Leg Ext/Ham Curls/Adduction warm up

Seated Leg Curl: 220lbx10 , 6 partials, PR

Icarian Hack Squats: 3P + 50lbx15, PR *see notes

Lying DB Curl: 65lb x 14, 3,3 RP. PR

Icarian Leg Press: 2Px20, 2Px20 *see notes

Leg Ext: 140x15, 140x15

*Felt a tweak in lat/mid back area whilst unracking work set for hack squat. Rather than re rack thinking it was nothing, just got down to business. Ended up being quite a strain, so took the rest of the heavy lifts very easy (such as Leg Press). Reasonably sore now, keep heat on it. Rest day tomorrow so we'll see how it is.

Had a bad day today, just been a bit pissed off as nothing has gone my way and the minor tweak was the icing on the cake. Still got PR's.... can't complain.
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18 Nov - Rest Day/Check-In

Back is way better today, think I'll be fine training tomorrow. Had Check-In today.

Prev Weight: 234.8
Mid Week Weight: 238.2
Current Weight: 240.2
BG: 4.8mmol/L
BP: 134/78

Cals were upped quite a bit last Check-In which explains the sudden weight increase.
careful my friend with the pr and rapid strength gains....remember to add deload weeks. Ligaments and tendons need time to catch up to the rapid muscle strength increases. Classic for NPP, Listen to your body.
Good advice for sure. Ran deca for months and couldn't be stopped., then, Tore a tendon in my leg with 3 plates on my back doing squats. I tried for all i was worth to re rack the bar with just my one leg . Couldn't do it. Had to dump the bar on the

It probably set my back 2 years on my legs. It was around a year later before I was back squatting with just a plate
Good advice for sure. Ran deca for months and couldn't be stopped., then, Tore a tendon in my leg with 3 plates on my back doing squats. I tried for all i was worth to re rack the bar with just my one leg . Couldn't do it. Had to dump the bar on the

It probably set my back 2 years on my legs. It was around a year later before I was back squatting with just a plate
Good advice for sure. Ran deca for months and couldn't be stopped., then, Tore a tendon in my leg with 3 plates on my back doing squats. I tried for all i was worth to re rack the bar with just my one leg . Couldn't do it. Had to dump the bar on the

It probably set my back 2 years on my legs. It was around a year later before I was back squatting with just a plate
yep that is fucked. I am fortunate I work in the 85 to 95 range a lot on deads now and back in the day squats and I never had an issue. I de-loaded on various weeks though. I was more into powerlifting so my max effort days were close to max's or max's/pr's.
Good log @ABMonkey ...keep it going. How do you like the RDL's
I like them, I struggle a lot with the form...its a work in progress so I've dropped the weight considerably and we've also added in corrective holds to try and improve mobility/flexibility which in turn should improve form & ROM. I'm quite tall and have very poor flexibility which means back generally rounds & ROM with good form is very short.
Nov 17 - Shoulders/Biceps

DB Press: 100x4, 90x6
stick to 95lb for few weeks

Hammer Strength Press: 225x10, 2, 1
Rest Pause

Dual Cables: 40x8, 3, 2
Rest Pause

Seated Lat Raise: 23.5x11, 23.5x10

Rear Delt Fly: 225x13, 9, 5
Rest Pause

Cable Curl (Fat Gripz): 50x12, 80x12, 100x12, 110x9

D-handle Inc Curl: 50x7, 8, 6
Rest Pause

Hammer Curl: 40x11, 6, 7

All bicep and delt work is with very strict form, no swinging. Wanted to test strength with regards to DB press and got the 100's for 4... Will now drop back and consolidate at 95's for a couple weeks at 10 reps.
Been following this for a bit. You're making great progress. Just wondering what your timing is with your rest pause and are you pretty consistent with the timing throughout your sets and workouts?
Nov 23 - Back/RDL/Abs

Nautilus Pullover: 5Px 13, 3, 3
Rest Pause

RDL: 140x10, 140x8

Incline DB Row: 60x4, 80x10, 80x9

T-bar Row: 3P+25x8

CG Pulldown: 210x8, 210-dropset to 20

CS Row: 3Px10, 4, 2
Rest Pause

Hanging Leg Raise: 22, 11, 11
Been following this for a bit. You're making great progress. Just wondering what your timing is with your rest pause and are you pretty consistent with the timing throughout your sets and workouts?

Timing as in between my RP sets? Yes sir... failure, 15 belly breaths, failure, 15 breaths, failure.

With regards to timing between sets/rest, absolutely not. I take enough time to be fully recovered so I can really attack the work set. Chest/Tri's for example, my rests are probably sub 2mins... but back and legs, that can creep up to 3-4 mins.

I aim to be in and out of the gym in 1hr/1hr 15min.
Nov 23 - Chest/Triceps

Incline Press (Flite/Precor): 180x8

Flat Press (Hammer Strength): 215x7, 1, 1+4 assisted
Rest Pause - last "set" was with assisted reps as I was totally gassed and struggled to get the weight up without assistance

1 Arm Decline Press (Hammer Strength): 3Px8, 3P+35x8 (R), 7 (L)

Pec-Dec: 225x11, 225x8
Flat palms today, lost a few reps. Concentrating on bringing biceps together.

Chest Stretch with 45lb DB for 2mins

1 Arm Pushdown (spongy handle): 100x10, 6 (R) 100x8, 5 (L)
Rest Pause

Dip Machine (Hammer Strength): 3P+30x10

Overhead Cable Extension: 170x11, 4, 3
Rest Pause

Vacuum practice fasted AM.
Had the weekend off so was playing catch up a little, hence multiple logbook entries today.

Cycle is going well, going pull some more bloodwork next week as kit finally arrived from LGC. I have no idea where my estrogen is at, I would assume it would be a bit higher than previous but seems the primo has thrown a curveball at it so it might be high or low.... I really can't tell - either way, I feel good so no need for any changes.

Check-In tomorrow and rest day, so will update then. Morning weight today was 240lbs, calories may be increased 🤷‍♂️

Calories are currently hovering around 5200cals on training days and I'm still fucking hungry.