The Link Between Unemployment, Depression and Suicide in the COVID-19 Pandemic


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It'll be underfunded and the ones who need the stability the most will get kicked around and end up getting the least.

Never changes. The hard part about mental health is promoting a free society while having to watch sociopaths walk past you.

Here, when I was 20, I was bouncing in a bar. Being bigger, I was usually at the front door even when we opened at like 6 or 7 on weekends. We used to have a guy, hair and face wild, smelled like piss, shit and like eight months of missed showers, eyes about rolling in their sockets, walk up and down the street saying fuck before something that had happened in his life. We called him the "Fuck Man".
Everywhere, "Fucking mail is late! Fucking heat! Fucking people looking at me". Dude was seriously bent and in need of some sort of medication/treatment but hay society, free to let people with eight months of filth on their body and obvious mental issues just continue to stew/meltdown/get worse versus having something to help them.
I guess it's cheaper to let tens of thousands of people who need serious psychiatric help walk around until they eventually get triggered by something, meltdown and do something serious. Only then somebody raises their hands and goes, "Daaaai, why didn't somebody DOOOO something? Daiii, we coulda saved this girl's life! Who let this psycho who's been basically been walking around discussing how he wants to hurt somebody for ten years without some sort of mental assistance get a knife???"