Testosterone may improve women's sex lives after menopause

Very interesting article... I wonder what dosage was used for the studies and I also wonder if androgenic effects occurred In any women during the trials..... interesting, thanks for the post.
So, I tell a true story. I had an old school doc for 20 years - and he put me on TRT a long time ago. It was. Acompound to be rubbed in. He asked me if I massage my wife’s back lol, I said ya, and he mentioned a small dab will probably get her in the mood the next night. It was a joke but I found the comment sort of interesting.
Very interesting article... I wonder what dosage was used for the studies and I also wonder if androgenic effects occurred In any women during the trials..... interesting, thanks for the post.

If you click on the link from the Lancet you should find some cited studies. If you have the time there is probably mention in there of the doses and any sides. All I could find in my perfunctory view was that transdermal and orals were used.
It’s very interesting they cited:

Testosterone is effective for postmenopausal women with low sexual desire causing distress, with administration via non-oral routes (eg, transdermal application) preferred because of a neutral lipid profile. The effects of testosterone on individual wellbeing and musculoskeletal and cognitive health, as well as long-term safety, warrant further investigation.”

I didn’t read anywhere of what dosage was administered... huh... I wondering if once my wife goes through menopause if she could do her own TRT....???