Spirulina - an often forgotten supplement (Kidney protection being one of it's benefits)


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There is a lot of research on this blue green algae. It has been studied for decades and is a part of many of my natural remedy books that are 20 years old. It has many health benefits but one that may be of interest to people here is the kidney protection. Albeit I didn't find any human studies so take each study for what it is (on rats). Further - the amount of spirulina taken is excessive in these studies but most studies I read indicated protection from substances toxic to your kidneys.
Nothing more than info for the forum.

it comes in those green mix bottles right?im sure i bought a bottle of greens something and it was a main ingredient
where do you buy the green detox product???
In the greens detox product. I have posted pics of it before. Not saying it is the best but spirulina by itself, the one time I took it was clumpy and tasted unpleasant, mixed in the greens product it was easy to down.