Quad tear


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Hey everyone. Just wondering if anyone has ever torn their quad off the bone? I had it surgically repaired 2wks ago and was wondering how everyone dealt with it. I know it’s a rare thing to happen, none of the nurses I came in contact with or know have ever seen this injury.
Oh god, wish you a speedy recovery. Do you mind share some details about how this happened?

It happened to Calum Von Moger, maybe he has some videos sharing the recovery and some insights.
Oh god, wish you a speedy recovery. Do you mind share some details about how this happened?

It happened to Calum Von Moger, maybe he has some videos sharing the recovery and some insights.
So I injured it in the gym, almost like a bad strain but I felt it more in the knee cap area more than anywhere else. I took 2wks off legs then I was bending 3/4” rigid conduit with a manual pipe bender and it snapped as I was bending the pipe.
Branch Warren too? Something similar anyways, there is video of him getting bucked off a horse and blew out both legs on the landing iirc
Well I don't remember correctly. Sort of, two separate accidents. He did get bucked off and someone reported that he tore both quads but that wasn't true, just smacked his head on the ground. Tore one quad slipping on ice before that sometime.
My surgeon said a lot of mine had to do with steroid use as it deteriorates the tendons lol. I’m currently on a low dose of test (125mg) and running BCP157 and about to add TB500
Hey everyone. Just wondering if anyone has ever torn their quad off the bone? I had it surgically repaired 2wks ago and was wondering how everyone dealt with it. I know it’s a rare thing to happen, none of the nurses I came in contact with or know have ever seen this injury.
Ya buddy,
I'm 5 months in. My wasn't torn. Mine was smashed off Dec 21 with a cargo load that shifted.
its extremely common in men very rare for a female to have it happen to.

Your 2 weeks in, stay still, get a piss jug. The first 4 weeks stay still except move your foot up and down as much as you can handle.
Week 5 I started to bend 30 to 45 degrees I had 2 weeks to get there.
I started Bpc157 and tb 500
This helped my situation a lot because of the smashed meat.
Long story short, do exactly what the surgeon says and then push into it just a little every day.
I'm 5 months in and just able to do leg extensions at 10lbs 30 with EMS to wake the muscles up.
Physiotherapy I do 2x a week 1 hour and add in 1 extra day myself.
I also have a massage 1x per week to speed up recovery and promote the circulation.

You'll do fine just put the work in.
Old buddy of mine ripped both off. 1 right after the other at a drunken Xmas party. He fine also. Walking working out squatting. Just do the work!
Did I say do the work. Lol
Treat this recovery like a job.
Cheers and speedy recovery you've got it!
When I say move your foot up and down, I'm talking flexion. This will help keep your patella from adhering to the scar tissue.
Well I don't remember correctly. Sort of, two separate accidents. He did get bucked off and someone reported that he tore both quads but that wasn't true, just smacked his head on the ground. Tore one quad slipping on ice before that sometime.
Evan Centopanie tore his quad, walking the dog and slipped on ice. Apparently that’s the most common way… when you don’t fall all the way down, but actually catch yourself.

JF Caron, Canadian strongman tore both of his doing the log press at the Arnold’s (horrific video on it)

I’m sure if you searched both of those guys and Quad tear there’s probably tons of info.
So I just went down the quad tear rabbit hole on YouTube thanks to your post. It looks (and sound) like a brutal injury. Hope you recover quickly.
Ya buddy,
I'm 5 months in. My wasn't torn. Mine was smashed off Dec 21 with a cargo load that shifted.
its extremely common in men very rare for a female to have it happen to.

Your 2 weeks in, stay still, get a piss jug. The first 4 weeks stay still except move your foot up and down as much as you can handle.
Week 5 I started to bend 30 to 45 degrees I had 2 weeks to get there.
I started Bpc157 and tb 500
This helped my situation a lot because of the smashed meat.
Long story short, do exactly what the surgeon says and then push into it just a little every day.
I'm 5 months in and just able to do leg extensions at 10lbs 30 with EMS to wake the muscles up.
Physiotherapy I do 2x a week 1 hour and add in 1 extra day myself.
I also have a massage 1x per week to speed up recovery and promote the circulation.

You'll do fine just put the work in.
Old buddy of mine ripped both off. 1 right after the other at a drunken Xmas party. He fine also. Walking working out squatting. Just do the work!
Did I say do the work. Lol
Treat this recovery like a job.
Cheers and speedy recovery you've got it!
Fuck, ok man thanks for all the info! Much appreciated. I’ll stop the bcp157 until about the 6wk mark. I’m in an immobilizer brace for 6wks with strict instructions not to bend my leg at all until that follow up appointment lol. I’ve been moving my foot and tryin to contract my quad as much as possible. Gonna try and kill this rehab.
It seems like it's always bodybuilders and weight lifters tearing quads and hamstrings, you don't hear about it happening to normys much
Did they drill a hole through your patella and pull your quad tendon/muscle through and tie in through the other end procedure?
Fuck, ok man thanks for all the info! Much appreciated. I’ll stop the bcp157 until about the 6wk mark. I’m in an immobilizer brace for 6wks with strict instructions not to bend my leg at all until that follow up appointment lol. I’ve been moving my foot and tryin to contract my quad as much as possible. Gonna try and kill this rehab.
If you're already on 157 now keep going!

I didn't have the balls to do it that soon.
Mine was smashed. My muscle were put Into mesh to hold them together. Ive 3 pins in my femur and 3 over the pettella (this is normal over the pettella. The swelling I had was more painful than the Injury.
After the surgery the nerve block wore off. I was offered hydromorphine but I refused it. I was offered anti inflation drugs and I turned those down also because of the heart attack last year. I can't have them with my heart meds.

This is why I didn't have the balls to start Bpc157 right away.
The next night after being home for 24hrs after the block wore off, I was in the worst pain of my entire life! All I could do was scream and shake. Tears burnt my eyes but the swelling in my leg was pushing through the immobilizer brace, my toes turned blue and I just screamed! The ambulance arrived and took my Blood pressure 212/102 edge of another heat attack. They gave me fentenal to calm me down and that lasted 5 minutes.
My house isn't set up for a evac chair or stretcher, I had to walk out. Another shot of fentenal and I had to go. Every 5 minutes I was given fentenal until I was at the hospital. Then I had to wait for 3 hours in the worst pain I've ever had ( I've had alot) only to be told I must have an anti-inflammatory asap! They injected toradol and within 15 minutes I was calm.
It was explained to me that regardless of the heart meds I must have this toradol for the next few months. My knee was bone bruised and my shine was smashed and bruised. If I could attach the pictures I would.
I was scared shitless in the beginning of it all as I'm sure you are as well.
Stay the course with your Bpc157 my God does it ever help.
I had daily improvement and weekly progress that was noticed. The first day I had the ability to actually bare weight and walk on it with crutches, I was at the gym.
There's video of me pushing and pulling the sled.
stay positive in this journey watch the you tube videos of the repair and physio techniques. Prepare and you'll crush it!
Did they drill a hole through your patella and pull your quad tendon/muscle through and tie in through the other end procedure?
No, the surgeon told me he drilled 3 holes on the top of my knee cap and sutured the tendon to the knee cap then around the sides to the patella
If you're already on 157 now keep going!

I didn't have the balls to do it that soon.
Mine was smashed. My muscle were put Into mesh to hold them together. Ive 3 pins in my femur and 3 over the pettella (this is normal over the pettella. The swelling I had was more painful than the Injury.
After the surgery the nerve block wore off. I was offered hydromorphine but I refused it. I was offered anti inflation drugs and I turned those down also because of the heart attack last year. I can't have them with my heart meds.

This is why I didn't have the balls to start Bpc157 right away.
The next night after being home for 24hrs after the block wore off, I was in the worst pain of my entire life! All I could do was scream and shake. Tears burnt my eyes but the swelling in my leg was pushing through the immobilizer brace, my toes turned blue and I just screamed! The ambulance arrived and took my Blood pressure 212/102 edge of another heat attack. They gave me fentenal to calm me down and that lasted 5 minutes.
My house isn't set up for a evac chair or stretcher, I had to walk out. Another shot of fentenal and I had to go. Every 5 minutes I was given fentenal until I was at the hospital. Then I had to wait for 3 hours in the worst pain I've ever had ( I've had alot) only to be told I must have an anti-inflammatory asap! They injected toradol and within 15 minutes I was calm.
It was explained to me that regardless of the heart meds I must have this toradol for the next few months. My knee was bone bruised and my shine was smashed and bruised. If I could attach the pictures I would.
I was scared shitless in the beginning of it all as I'm sure you are as well.
Stay the course with your Bpc157 my God does it ever help.
I had daily improvement and weekly progress that was noticed. The first day I had the ability to actually bare weight and walk on it with crutches, I was at the gym.
There's video of me pushing and pulling the sled.
stay positive in this journey watch the you tube videos of the repair and physio techniques. Prepare and you'll crush it!
Thanks man appreciate it! I agree with the pain, it was something else. I was prescribed percs at first and they did fuck all, he wrote me another script for hydros and they did fuck all so I jus grinned and bared it. It’s tolerable now and maybe it’s because of the bcp157 but I’m already baring full weight, not walking but and stand and can walk with crutches. Cannot wait to get back to the gym.