PCT Question-Adding Sarm


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Has anyone used Mk677/Ostarine/Andarine for PCT on top of Nolvadex./Aromasin protocol.It looks like there is no effect on Testosterone suppression and I am thinking should help keep all the gains from Test cycle.Maybe just 6 -8 weeks till Test is back to normal.Anyone with experience on this.Thank you
Osta and Andarine are both suppressive. Bearing in mind PCT is all about getting your body back to being functional I'd avoid anything that is going to suppress further.
MK677 and GW (cardarine) are not SARMs. Yes they're good to use year round - though I would do some research yourself into GW and see if it's something you want to use.

There was a study into it and it brought on cancer in rats. I do believe that it was quite high doses but it was enough for GSK to drop it. Something to think about.
It's really hard to find good solid info regarding SARMs as a lot of it is the Dylan Gemelli bullshit (see like the first hits on google). Ignore anything on Evolutionary/Elitefitness and any of his affiliate sites.

Try reddit for SARMs info (r/PEDs) is quite useful. The guys are knowledgable and there's general a few blood tests posted up.
It's really hard to find good solid info regarding SARMs as a lot of it is the Dylan Gemelli bullshit (see like the first hits on google). Ignore anything on Evolutionary/Elitefitness and any of his affiliate sites.

Try reddit for SARMs info (r/PEDs) is quite useful. The guys are knowledgable and there's general a few blood tests posted up.

Thanks for the info.Appreciate it.Blood testing would be good