This will end up being another dissertation which no one wants to read long responses but it isn't simple:I'd like top try out what you did if you want to send me a PM on it.
1. You can take combantrin-1 which available without a prescription and mainly used for pinworms (maybe roundworms) but will weaken kill other helminths as well. After being told I most likely had pinworms, I took this medication and yes I had pinworms but other worms that were much larger came out too. Keep in mind combantrin-1 is not like combrantin-a which requires a script as it contains a stronger medication called albendazole.
2. It takes forever to see docs here, I was sick as hell and knew something was wrong so I read my naturopathic books on anti-parasitic herbs.
3. I bought goldenseal tincture - tastes like shit but kills protozoa parasites and is known to kill tapeworms or at minimum weaken then due to the berberine content.
4. The first goal is stop them from being able to lay eggs, lower the infection and control ingestion of whatever is causing it if you don't know what it is. ACV in higher amounts makes an unfavourable environment for the helminths in your gut and will help get them out. My concoction of herbs all balled up with EVOO, would be washed down with a glass of water and an ounce of ACV.
5. Herbs I used - (I would make a bowl and take a big spoon full first thing in the morning and the evening and put it in the fridge so you don't have to keep making it): peppercorns (yes just peppercorns), pumpkin seeds as they contain cucurbitacin, turmeric, garlic - crush it, let it sit for 5 minutes, dice it up and add it in (yes, you will smell like garlic), raw ginger - just buy at the grocery store and shave some off and put it in the bowl, some cloves, sage (had it my cupboard anyway), thyme (had it already), cumin (already had for my chili), cinnamon (already had in my cupboard), I never used wormwood or black walnut, I would buy a tincture of oregano oil and put multiple drops in. I am only recalling a few and would have to back to all my notes which I can't find but after all the ingredients are in a bowl, add a tablespoon of EVOO and clump it up - if you made a large batch - you may need more to make round balls to swallow down with water/ACV. The turmeric is annoying as hell as it stains everything but is a great herb. Really we are trying to get the curcumin hence the pepper corns to vastly increase the bioavailability plus it is debatable if the piperine in the black pepper also contains anti-parasitic properties.
Do this for a week but I do not recommend putting all in at once or doing it all. The buggers adapt and become immune hence rotating the herbs. The goal, albeit many will die, is simply making your body (blood) unappealing to the worms who are attached and they loosen and let go, are weakened and with additional fibre (or even without) you may see some funky things in the toiler (yes I know gross).
Enemas are great if you can learn to hold enough water to help flush them out as they die. Not a necessity but many people do this.
Coffee enemas which are known for detoxifying your liver to begin with (read up the recipe - there is nothing to it) but it goes straight to the liver via the portal vein. It is known to help rid liver flukes. Some of these processes are not for everyone which is fine but they are in every Naturopathic book I have regarding detoxifying (if there is such a thing) and parasites. The goal is it increases your bile production. Read up on what caffeine does to the bile ducts and you will see how this would be helpful for ridding toxins and parasites. Albeit many people have liver flukes and may never know and never be damaged, they won't kill you themselves but can lead to other issues of the bile ducts or bile duct cancer hence I would like any out of my body. I had these as well and showed the doctors.
Those are just a handful of natural treatments - there are a lot more herbs/foods that help. If you determine you have an infection, I would choose medication as it is more apt to kill them all. That being said, it is a lot more gentle on the body and you can make your body healthier and an unpleasant place for worms/flukes. Most strong anti-helminth medication is unpleasant as it is a poison but not enough to kill you. All the same - I lost a lot of hair from the medication and then it grew back later.
Be prepared, even if you are infected, to be told by a GP your stool is fine. That is because they are not looking for helminths and are just taking a small sample and checking for microscopic parasites like giardia. An infectious disease doctor may be educated to write down what to look for at the lab.
I will stop there or I will end up writing a book. Just a final note - to think humans are not impacted like other animals is naive. Yes, dogs eat things and can pick up eggs easier than we can but read the news and you will find helminth infections are on the rise.