
I'd like top try out what you did if you want to send me a PM on it.
This will end up being another dissertation which no one wants to read long responses but it isn't simple:
1. You can take combantrin-1 which available without a prescription and mainly used for pinworms (maybe roundworms) but will weaken kill other helminths as well. After being told I most likely had pinworms, I took this medication and yes I had pinworms but other worms that were much larger came out too. Keep in mind combantrin-1 is not like combrantin-a which requires a script as it contains a stronger medication called albendazole.
2. It takes forever to see docs here, I was sick as hell and knew something was wrong so I read my naturopathic books on anti-parasitic herbs.
3. I bought goldenseal tincture - tastes like shit but kills protozoa parasites and is known to kill tapeworms or at minimum weaken then due to the berberine content.
4. The first goal is stop them from being able to lay eggs, lower the infection and control ingestion of whatever is causing it if you don't know what it is. ACV in higher amounts makes an unfavourable environment for the helminths in your gut and will help get them out. My concoction of herbs all balled up with EVOO, would be washed down with a glass of water and an ounce of ACV.
5. Herbs I used - (I would make a bowl and take a big spoon full first thing in the morning and the evening and put it in the fridge so you don't have to keep making it): peppercorns (yes just peppercorns), pumpkin seeds as they contain cucurbitacin, turmeric, garlic - crush it, let it sit for 5 minutes, dice it up and add it in (yes, you will smell like garlic), raw ginger - just buy at the grocery store and shave some off and put it in the bowl, some cloves, sage (had it my cupboard anyway), thyme (had it already), cumin (already had for my chili), cinnamon (already had in my cupboard), I never used wormwood or black walnut, I would buy a tincture of oregano oil and put multiple drops in. I am only recalling a few and would have to back to all my notes which I can't find but after all the ingredients are in a bowl, add a tablespoon of EVOO and clump it up - if you made a large batch - you may need more to make round balls to swallow down with water/ACV. The turmeric is annoying as hell as it stains everything but is a great herb. Really we are trying to get the curcumin hence the pepper corns to vastly increase the bioavailability plus it is debatable if the piperine in the black pepper also contains anti-parasitic properties.

Do this for a week but I do not recommend putting all in at once or doing it all. The buggers adapt and become immune hence rotating the herbs. The goal, albeit many will die, is simply making your body (blood) unappealing to the worms who are attached and they loosen and let go, are weakened and with additional fibre (or even without) you may see some funky things in the toiler (yes I know gross).
Enemas are great if you can learn to hold enough water to help flush them out as they die. Not a necessity but many people do this.
Coffee enemas which are known for detoxifying your liver to begin with (read up the recipe - there is nothing to it) but it goes straight to the liver via the portal vein. It is known to help rid liver flukes. Some of these processes are not for everyone which is fine but they are in every Naturopathic book I have regarding detoxifying (if there is such a thing) and parasites. The goal is it increases your bile production. Read up on what caffeine does to the bile ducts and you will see how this would be helpful for ridding toxins and parasites. Albeit many people have liver flukes and may never know and never be damaged, they won't kill you themselves but can lead to other issues of the bile ducts or bile duct cancer hence I would like any out of my body. I had these as well and showed the doctors.

Those are just a handful of natural treatments - there are a lot more herbs/foods that help. If you determine you have an infection, I would choose medication as it is more apt to kill them all. That being said, it is a lot more gentle on the body and you can make your body healthier and an unpleasant place for worms/flukes. Most strong anti-helminth medication is unpleasant as it is a poison but not enough to kill you. All the same - I lost a lot of hair from the medication and then it grew back later.
Be prepared, even if you are infected, to be told by a GP your stool is fine. That is because they are not looking for helminths and are just taking a small sample and checking for microscopic parasites like giardia. An infectious disease doctor may be educated to write down what to look for at the lab.

I will stop there or I will end up writing a book. Just a final note - to think humans are not impacted like other animals is naive. Yes, dogs eat things and can pick up eggs easier than we can but read the news and you will find helminth infections are on the rise.

This will end up being another dissertation which no one wants to read long responses but it isn't simple:
1. You can take combantrin-1 which available without a prescription and mainly used for pinworms (maybe roundworms) but will weaken kill other helminths as well. After being told I most likely had pinworms, I took this medication and yes I had pinworms but other worms that were much larger came out too. Keep in mind combantrin-1 is not like combrantin-a which requires a script as it contains a stronger medication called albendazole.
2. It takes forever to see docs here, I was sick as hell and knew something was wrong so I read my naturopathic books on anti-parasitic herbs.
3. I bought goldenseal tincture - tastes like shit but kills protozoa parasites and is known to kill tapeworms or at minimum weaken then due to the berberine content.
4. The first goal is stop them from being able to lay eggs, lower the infection and control ingestion of whatever is causing it if you don't know what it is. ACV in higher amounts makes an unfavourable environment for the helminths in your gut and will help get them out. My concoction of herbs all balled up with EVOO, would be washed down with a glass of water and an ounce of ACV.
5. Herbs I used - (I would make a bowl and take a big spoon full first thing in the morning and the evening and put it in the fridge so you don't have to keep making it): peppercorns (yes just peppercorns), pumpkin seeds as they contain cucurbitacin, turmeric, garlic - crush it, let it sit for 5 minutes, dice it up and add it in (yes, you will smell like garlic), raw ginger - just buy at the grocery store and shave some off and put it in the bowl, some cloves, sage (had it my cupboard anyway), thyme (had it already), cumin (already had for my chili), cinnamon (already had in my cupboard), I never used wormwood or black walnut, I would buy a tincture of oregano oil and put multiple drops in. I am only recalling a few and would have to back to all my notes which I can't find but after all the ingredients are in a bowl, add a tablespoon of EVOO and clump it up - if you made a large batch - you may need more to make round balls to swallow down with water/ACV. The turmeric is annoying as hell as it stains everything but is a great herb. Really we are trying to get the curcumin hence the pepper corns to vastly increase the bioavailability plus it is debatable if the piperine in the black pepper also contains anti-parasitic properties.

Do this for a week but I do not recommend putting all in at once or doing it all. The buggers adapt and become immune hence rotating the herbs. The goal, albeit many will die, is simply making your body (blood) unappealing to the worms who are attached and they loosen and let go, are weakened and with additional fibre (or even without) you may see some funky things in the toiler (yes I know gross).
Enemas are great if you can learn to hold enough water to help flush them out as they die. Not a necessity but many people do this.
Coffee enemas which are known for detoxifying your liver to begin with (read up the recipe - there is nothing to it) but it goes straight to the liver via the portal vein. It is known to help rid liver flukes. Some of these processes are not for everyone which is fine but they are in every Naturopathic book I have regarding detoxifying (if there is such a thing) and parasites. The goal is it increases your bile production. Read up on what caffeine does to the bile ducts and you will see how this would be helpful for ridding toxins and parasites. Albeit many people have liver flukes and may never know and never be damaged, they won't kill you themselves but can lead to other issues of the bile ducts or bile duct cancer hence I would like any out of my body. I had these as well and showed the doctors.

Those are just a handful of natural treatments - there are a lot more herbs/foods that help. If you determine you have an infection, I would choose medication as it is more apt to kill them all. That being said, it is a lot more gentle on the body and you can make your body healthier and an unpleasant place for worms/flukes. Most strong anti-helminth medication is unpleasant as it is a poison but not enough to kill you. All the same - I lost a lot of hair from the medication and then it grew back later.
Be prepared, even if you are infected, to be told by a GP your stool is fine. That is because they are not looking for helminths and are just taking a small sample and checking for microscopic parasites like giardia. An infectious disease doctor may be educated to write down what to look for at the lab.

I will stop there or I will end up writing a book. Just a final note - to think humans are not impacted like other animals is naive. Yes, dogs eat things and can pick up eggs easier than we can but read the news and you will find helminth infections are on the rise.

I read the whole thing.

I did get some of the pin worm medication a while ago but never took it. I will take that next week.

Then I think I will do some research on the herbs and stuff you mentioned and create a protocol like you say and rotate.

I will never eat sushi again. Too bad because I had started to like it, but really didn’t eat it often.

Other than that my diet is really boring so I can’t see how I would catch worms from it.

I am convinced it was from Sushi - there was a great restaurant across from my old work and I ate sushi straight for a year for lunch.
I started to lose weight, felt off, stomach pain, saw my GP and saw a gastroenterologist who did a scope. His comment was he thought I had pin worms or potentially another parasite but did not have any signs of bowel disease - no offer for treatment, he did his job and moved on like the dickhead he is. My GP was not convinced I had helminths so I started treating it with Naturopathic medicine - herbs I know they hate, can kill or weaken the works enough your body gets rid of them. Yes, just like most animals - I could see them in my stool.
One large round worm, I just fished out put in a vial and took it to my GP, who then started with the stool tests. Once I weakened the little buggers, I started adding more fibre and doing enemas - don't want to be gross but it was clear I had flukes as well or I had the same shaped pieces of chicken in my stool that all had a tail. I took a few and again took them to my doctor.
I cleared a lot of the issues myself but after bringing in the samples, they sent me to an infectious disease doctor and I was given 3 days of Mebendazole which is one of the better medications used for this. There is more to this and I will write what I did to get rid of a lot of them myself prior to getting a strong anti-parasitic medication. I don't Mebendazole is the best, I wanted another but this is the one they gave me and I was just happy to have something else to try to finish them off.
I know it sounds disgusting but parasites and animals/humans are rampant and often you may never know. The parasites don't want to kill you, they want to have a symbiotic relationship with you so they can feed and live hence it has to be pretty bad before you start to notice anything.
There are blood tests and I demanded them.
If your Eosinophils are high - sure sign you have a parasite or parasites. Other test like B-12, tests for anemia with no explanation could lead you down the path too but low B-12 does not mean you have parasites.
There is only one guaranteed way to know - you either see the in your stool, or you go for 3 stool tests (they always do three or they do here) and the doctor writes down to check form helminths as well as the small protozoa type parasites.
Wow that’s crazy
I read the whole thing.

I did get some of the pin worm medication a while ago but never took it. I will take that next week.

Then I think I will do some research on the herbs and stuff you mentioned and create a protocol like you say and rotate.

I will never eat sushi again. Too bad because I had started to like it, but really didn’t eat it often.

Other than that my diet is really boring so I can’t see how I would catch worms from it.

I hate fish and I’ve always always questioned if eating raw fish is really 100% safe lol
I know I got parasites in my gut again had it a few times last year where I know I have them! The antibiotics that the docs give I think is just a temp solution I was wondering if you guys have any solutions for me to do a gut flush and get the parasites out
Thank you
I have had good luck with black walnut. I have black walnut trees in my yard.. so what I do is take a bunch of the walnuts. soak them in alcohol for a few months, then make a tincture. I take about 10ml 3x a day for about 6 weeks... this works amazing..
Not sure but there must be a store bought version somewhere.. but I like to make things myself, when possible
This may not apply at all but fwiw I remember seeing some protocol that sounds a little crazy. Hazy memory at best iirc it was for some kind of parasite in the large intestine. Loading something into a dozen or so capsules, might have been something like castrol oil and herbs, then freezing them solid for a few days. Gobble em down, caps stay frozen until they reach the large intestine then do their work. One more time this is al hazy but I believe it sent the little buggers headed straight out the nearest exit. I'll keep an eye out for it again, probably have it book marked.
Thinking now it might be a tapeworm thing?
No as cool Rick said, you can readily find it if you just can't run to peavey mart or co-op like you once did.

Dosing on the vet drug cam be tricky because what a human needs and what a 1500lb horse needs are vastly different...and you can make yourself really really sick if you fuck that up....(thanks fuck tools during covid that made it so you just can't grab at co-op!)

Make life easy....Inno makes an ivermectin tab.

Parasites can be tricky as others have said. You have to be sure to treat it itthe right drug and it may take more courses than an initial script.

And if it's sushi....the actual long term fix is stop eating sushi.

I get my ivermectic from a farmer.. Have them get you the stuff for chickens.. It's much easier to do the dosing for a human weight.

I used to have chickens so I would buy a bag of it every year from UFA or peavy mart. I think you can get various types of anti parasite chicken meds, not just ivermectin.

I honestly think its just a good idea to take a general dewormer like ivermectin once a year. Peace of mind.. you can get parasites from so many things, not just sushi.. your pets could give it to you lol..

As a kid we got dewormed once a year cause we had outside dogs and we played in the dirt. Many people dewormed kids once a year back then.

Not sure why vet's promote deworming pets once a year, but doctors frown upon deworming humans occasionally as a preventative.
Ivermectin appears to be well tolerated - never took it and not the go to for most infectious disease doctors if you flukes or helminths but does impact multiple infections and gets rid of them. Typically - Praziquantel, albendazole and mebendazole are used. Depending on what you have - you will find each medication may be great for some worms/flukes but not for others.
IE - Ivermectin:

Did well with many parasites but not hookworms (duodenale and Necator americanus).
Luckily, pyrantel pamoate appears to be a go to albeit not as strong as many of the other medication hence it being available without prescription (Combantrin is in almost every pharmacy) for hookworms/roundworms/pinworms and the sides are not as bad / nor any toxicity reported. It impacts multiple worms and may be a way to tell if you have an infection. It does not impact other worms / flukes hence why doctors may use more than one medication albeit they typically go for albendazole or mebendazole according to our local infections disease as these meds hit most of the helminths but even albendazole does not kill adult flukes after they have matured for a few months. The issue is all of these medications are toxic hence why I prefer a more prolonged system of making your body a poor host and then hit them with combantrin - pyrantel pamoate or do it in the the reverse order. Chances are if you take pyrantel palmoate, you are going to know if you any kind of infection unless it is one of the worms/flukes it does not impact.
Recall many have become immune to medications over time. Further, It has not been linked with any cases of liver damage. Some of these meds work great and you liver is fine until 30-60 days later and you have significantly elevated liver enzymes. A short search of the sides / studies and you will find the same info.

It is going to be rare but there are multiple cases of liver injury hence listen to @biguglynewf above regarding dosage with ivermectin and getting it right. If your not sure, make sure you ask here as many have used it for Covid.
His words, "Dosing on the vet drug cam be tricky because what a human needs and what a 1500lb horse needs are vastly different...and you can make yourself really really sick if you fuck that up."
I know two labs that sell it for humans but ask questions, make sure it is the right dosage as get it wrong and you may find yourself ending up in the ER.

I looked in my medicine cabinet and these are old - expiry says 2017 and one is open with 8 tabs out back when I weighed 200 lbs. Directions are 1 tab per 25 lbs of weight. If you look at the dosage on several medical sites - the recommended dosage is 25 mg per lb once per day/not to exceed 1 gram - depending on the worm infection it can be one to three doses. If you look at the amount per pill in combantrin it is 360 mg of pyrantel pamoate equal to 125 mg pyrantal base.
@Bagua - WTF? Follow the instructions on the bof for a 250 lb man and you are taking 10 pills which equates to 3600 mg's of pyrantel pamoate albeit every website I checked said don't exceed 1 gram. I'm not a doctor and simply regurgitating what is on these boxes and also on reputable medical websites. Even if it is the 125 mg of pyrantal base - if your a big man, your going to exceed 1 gram per day. If I follow the directions on the box I will exceed the recommended dosage on the 4 medical websites I checked.

Just another example of consult the pharmacist / doctor if you know one albeit this is one of the 'considered' safer anti - helminth drugs.

Ivermectin appears to be well tolerated - never took it and not the go to for most infectious disease doctors if you flukes or helminths but does impact multiple infections and gets rid of them. Typically - Praziquantel, albendazole and mebendazole are used. Depending on what you have - you will find each medication may be great for some worms/flukes but not for others.
IE - Ivermectin:

Did well with many parasites but not hookworms (duodenale and Necator americanus).
Luckily, pyrantel pamoate appears to be a go to albeit not as strong as many of the other medication hence it being available without prescription (Combantrin is in almost every pharmacy) for hookworms/roundworms/pinworms and the sides are not as bad / nor any toxicity reported. It impacts multiple worms and may be a way to tell if you have an infection. It does not impact other worms / flukes hence why doctors may use more than one medication albeit they typically go for albendazole or mebendazole according to our local infections disease as these meds hit most of the helminths but even albendazole does not kill adult flukes after they have matured for a few months. The issue is all of these medications are toxic hence why I prefer a more prolonged system of making your body a poor host and then hit them with combantrin - pyrantel pamoate or do it in the the reverse order. Chances are if you take pyrantel palmoate, you are going to know if you any kind of infection unless it is one of the worms/flukes it does not impact.
Recall many have become immune to medications over time. Further, It has not been linked with any cases of liver damage. Some of these meds work great and you liver is fine until 30-60 days later and you have significantly elevated liver enzymes. A short search of the sides / studies and you will find the same info.

It is going to be rare but there are multiple cases of liver injury hence listen to @biguglynewf above regarding dosage with ivermectin and getting it right. If your not sure, make sure you ask here as many have used it for Covid.
His words, "Dosing on the vet drug cam be tricky because what a human needs and what a 1500lb horse needs are vastly different...and you can make yourself really really sick if you fuck that up."
I know two labs that sell it for humans but ask questions, make sure it is the right dosage as get it wrong and you may find yourself ending up in the ER.

I looked in my medicine cabinet and these are old - expiry says 2017 and one is open with 8 tabs out back when I weighed 200 lbs. Directions are 1 tab per 25 lbs of weight. If you look at the dosage on several medical sites - the recommended dosage is 25 mg per lb once per day/not to exceed 1 gram - depending on the worm infection it can be one to three doses. If you look at the amount per pill in combantrin it is 360 mg of pyrantel pamoate equal to 125 mg pyrantal base.
@Bagua - WTF? Follow the instructions on the bof for a 250 lb man and you are taking 10 pills which equates to 3600 mg's of pyrantel pamoate albeit every website I checked said don't exceed 1 gram. I'm not a doctor and simply regurgitating what is on these boxes and also on reputable medical websites. Even if it is the 125 mg of pyrantal base - if your a big man, your going to exceed 1 gram per day. If I follow the directions on the box I will exceed the recommended dosage on the 4 medical websites I checked.

Just another example of consult the pharmacist / doctor if you know one albeit this is one of the 'considered' safer anti - helminth drugs.

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I had elevated liver enzymes a couple years ago.. I had not been using anything, I don't drink, I don't have a shit diet etc so it was a mystery that lead to a couple MRI's of my liver... But I use ivermectin every year. Wonder if those enzymes were higher due to ivermectic

Back than, my ivermectin was the kind the farmer sprays on cows and it absorbs through their skin. I would dip my finger in the jar for a few seconds. Cows get about 50mls sprayed across their back and its left there. I dipped my fingen in the jar and kept it there until I could taste the ivertmectin in my mouth. Once its absorbed in the skin, it tastes like you have pennies in your mouth. Then I took it out and rinsed it off.
I had elevated liver enzymes a couple years ago.. I had not been using anything, I don't drink, I don't have a shit diet etc so it was a mystery that lead to a couple MRI's of my liver... But I use ivermectin every year. Wonder if those enzymes were higher due to ivermectic

Back than, my ivermectin was the kind the farmer sprays on cows and it absorbs through their skin. I would dip my finger in the jar for a few seconds. Cows get about 50mls sprayed across their back and its left there. I dipped my fingen in the jar and kept it there until I could taste the ivertmectin in my mouth. Once its absorbed in the skin, it tastes like you have pennies in your mouth. Then I took it out and rinsed it off.
Or you had liver flukes and didn't know it or still may do? No one knows unless they scope and if you look at the pictures online it is pretty disturbing. If you saw what was coming out of me for weeks, it was disturbing to say the least.
All of the parasitic medications to some degree are toxic and that could be the reason. They have to be or they do not paralyze, disrupt or kill the fully grown, larvae, and eggs. Hence the needs for multiple herbs as one may kill adult but do nothing to the eggs, while ACV may help kill the eggs and keep the infection at bay while you get rid of it.
It is not an easy thing to rid yourself of unless you get a good infectious disease doctor who does a scope/stool tests and can identify exactly what you have. Otherwise it is kind of a shot in the dark hence when I did the herbs to weaken all aspects of helminths/flukes, then hit it with combantrin - I felt better but the die off stage was not pleasant and I felt like my body smelled different. It is an experience I never want to go through again.

It is hard to remember everything but I spent endless hours reading on herbal treatments that were not harmful to the liver or organs and just kept at it.
I am still not convinced they are all gone but if there is an infection it is small. I will be doing another 30 day herbal treatment and ending with combantrin. If I see anything, I will be putting it in a container and taking it to the doctor who will send it to the lab.
Or you had liver flukes and didn't know it or still may do? No one knows unless they scope and if you look at the pictures online it is pretty disturbing. If you saw what was coming out of me for weeks, it was disturbing to say the least.
All of the parasitic medications to some degree are toxic and that could be the reason. They have to be or they do not paralyze, disrupt or kill the fully grown, larvae, and eggs. Hence the needs for multiple herbs as one may kill adult but do nothing to the eggs, while ACV may help kill the eggs and keep the infection at bay while you get rid of it.
It is not an easy thing to rid yourself of unless you get a good infectious disease doctor who does a scope/stool tests and can identify exactly what you have. Otherwise it is kind of a shot in the dark hence when I did the herbs to weaken all aspects of helminths/flukes, then hit it with combantrin - I felt better but the die off stage was not pleasant and I felt like my body smelled different. It is an experience I never want to go through again.

It is hard to remember everything but I spent endless hours reading on herbal treatments that were not harmful to the liver or organs and just kept at it.
I am still not convinced they are all gone but if there is an infection it is small. I will be doing another 30 day herbal treatment and ending with combantrin. If I see anything, I will be putting it in a container and taking it to the doctor who will send it to the lab.

hmmm... I personally don't think I have parasites..

But my wife has had loose stool ever since I have known her. She has a bowel movement everyday as soon as she wakes up, no coffee or food needed to get it moving. She just wakes up and shits.. and it's always liquid and it always stinks something awful... I've seen it and smelt it and can verify its everyday.. Diet changes did nothing, eliminating diary, gluten etc did nothing. Her diet is very clean, no processed stuff, no excess seed oils, low sugar etc.. We've tried adding fibire to get some bulk so its not liquid.. but nothing changes her bowel movements in the morning.
She's gone to a few doctors and has even sent in stool samples and they generally come to the conclusions thats "her digestive system". Im not sure if they looked for parasites in her stool or not. I might be able to look up the tests they did on the stool though

She's looked into parasites as a cause.. I never looked into it for her..

based on your knowledge, could it be the culprit?
hmmm... I personally don't think I have parasites..

But my wife has had loose stool ever since I have known her. She has a bowel movement everyday as soon as she wakes up, no coffee or food needed to get it moving. She just wakes up and shits.. and it's always liquid and it always stinks something awful... I've seen it and smelt it and can verify its everyday.. Diet changes did nothing, eliminating diary, gluten etc did nothing. Her diet is very clean, no processed stuff, no excess seed oils, low sugar etc.. We've tried adding fibire to get some bulk so its not liquid.. but nothing changes her bowel movements in the morning.
She's gone to a few doctors and has even sent in stool samples and they generally come to the conclusions thats "her digestive system". Im not sure if they looked for parasites in her stool or not. I might be able to look up the tests they did on the stool though

She's looked into parasites as a cause.. I never looked into it for her..

based on your knowledge, could it be the culprit?
No idea, it could be but she probably would have noticed something in the stool that doesn't look right. Stress is a terrible culprit and I'm not saying she is stressed or anxious but even the person may not realize it.
Stool tests are never looking for helminths and I don't think most of the people who work in the lab, even they saw something suspicious, would note it, they would just follow the instructions of the doctor. At least that was my experience as is others. Stool send in with worms that were alive int the jar coming back negative as their idea of parasites are just the protozoa type / you can't see without a microscope. I know/saw this first hand when one of my stool samples came back negative - but there were live worms in it. One came back positive but they were not looking for helminths but I had them and it was determined when I saw the infectious disease doctor. Even when I brought some to my GP in a jar - she was convinced but wasted to do stool samples but did not write down helminths so they look for two popular microscopic parasites that are popular here.
Anyway - I assume she has been scoped both ways as any gastro would do that first with blood work. Could just have irritable bowel which is a doctor saying something is wrong but we can't diagnose it so we give it a name as it isn't colitis or crones disease.
Most people don't know they have them, why would the helminths want to make you sick, and aware of a problem and kill them - like everything else, they just want a healthy person to live in as a host.
Pretty disgusting but almost every animal has them and with Sushi being rampant - there are a lot of people walking around with them and will never know.
No idea, it could be but she probably would have noticed something in the stool that doesn't look right. Stress is a terrible culprit and I'm not saying she is stressed or anxious but even the person may not realize it.
Stool tests are never looking for helminths and I don't think most of the people who work in the lab, even they saw something suspicious, would note it, they would just follow the instructions of the doctor. At least that was my experience as is others. Stool send in with worms that were alive int the jar coming back negative as their idea of parasites are just the protozoa type / you can't see without a microscope. I know/saw this first hand when one of my stool samples came back negative - but there were live worms in it. One came back positive but they were not looking for helminths but I had them and it was determined when I saw the infectious disease doctor. Even when I brought some to my GP in a jar - she was convinced but wasted to do stool samples but did not write down helminths so they look for two popular microscopic parasites that are popular here.
Anyway - I assume she has been scoped both ways as any gastro would do that first with blood work. Could just have irritable bowel which is a doctor saying something is wrong but we can't diagnose it so we give it a name as it isn't colitis or crones disease.
Most people don't know they have them, why would the helminths want to make you sick, and aware of a problem and kill them - like everything else, they just want a healthy person to live in as a host.
Pretty disgusting but almost every animal has them and with Sushi being rampant - there are a lot of people walking around with them and will never know.

My wife is diagnosed with clinical anxiety and health anxiety (formally called hypochondria). My opinion has always been its her stress, but her hypochondria makes her believe it's not stress and that its an undiagnosed condition.

She has not been scoped either end. Lots of blood work, scans, mri's etc.. but not scoped.

I did read something a long time ago about parasites causing or contributing to anxiety... but when I read more about it, I was pretty confident her anxiety causes the stomach issues not the other way around.
Does ivermectin work for all parasites?

I won't lie, lately I have been thinking about taking dewormer, when I moved to Thailand, I found out they take it yearly, I asked the doctors there (US trained at Bangkok hospital) and they said its just what they do there.

Also, I was a bit stupid in the past, I saw a video on chicken sashimi and went and just tried eating raw chicken, I didn't get sick but had the shits for a while.

Anyways long story short I'll probably take a dewormer yearly, just haven't figured out which one yet.
Does ivermectin work for all parasites?

I won't lie, lately I have been thinking about taking dewormer, when I moved to Thailand, I found out they take it yearly, I asked the doctors there (US trained at Bangkok hospital) and they said its just what they do there.

Also, I was a bit stupid in the past, I saw a video on chicken sashimi and went and just tried eating raw chicken, I didn't get sick but had the shits for a while.

Anyways long story short I'll probably take a dewormer yearly, just haven't figured out which one yet.
It won’t kill tape worms in animals, I don’t know about humans
Does ivermectin work for all parasites?

I won't lie, lately I have been thinking about taking dewormer, when I moved to Thailand, I found out they take it yearly, I asked the doctors there (US trained at Bangkok hospital) and they said its just what they do there.

Also, I was a bit stupid in the past, I saw a video on chicken sashimi and went and just tried eating raw chicken, I didn't get sick but had the shits for a while.

Anyways long story short I'll probably take a dewormer yearly, just haven't figured out which one yet.
No, it is a great tool but it does not kill everything. Very few parasite meds do. A few are better than others but fall short with flukes or full grown helminths.
Best is to get diagnosed or per my earlier post if you think you have something chances are if they are weakened, chances are Combrantrin (pyrantel palmoate) will get some of them and it is made and dosed for humans and at pretty much all pharmacies without a script. If you want a stronger version you get Combantrin-1 which contains mebendezole and requires a script (last time I checked)
Even if you take script meds, they will usually repeat the protocol in a few months to make sure all were killed, worms, eggs, larvae, etc.
I know of 2 Canadian domestic UGLs that carry ivermectin, there’s probably a few more I don’t know of. I know my parents bought a bunch from India during Covid, but success at the border was low. Heard of people getting the horse paste from farm supply stores, but also heard of people being asked for proof of livestock.

The more I looked into parasites, the easier it was to go down the worm hole (pun intended). As much as lots of fast growing late stage cancers have actually been misdiagnosed and were actually parasitic egg sacks, which is why ivermectin and fenben have been effective against SOME cancers.

University of Cairo in egypt actually had a large pubmed publication on this. Among many other things.

I’ve toned my sushi WAY down because it kind of grosses me out now after diving down the parasite rabbit hole. I don’t eat pork at all (except for bacon). Looking into it actually ruined a lot of foods for me.

I got some ivermectin and I’ll be running a few parasite cleanses here and there now.
I know of 2 Canadian domestic UGLs that carry ivermectin, there’s probably a few more I don’t know of. I know my parents bought a bunch from India during Covid, but success at the border was low. Heard of people getting the horse paste from farm supply stores, but also heard of people being asked for proof of livestock.

The more I looked into parasites, the easier it was to go down the worm hole (pun intended). As much as lots of fast growing late stage cancers have actually been misdiagnosed and were actually parasitic egg sacks, which is why ivermectin and fenben have been effective against SOME cancers.

University of Cairo in egypt actually had a large pubmed publication on this. Among many other things.

I’ve toned my sushi WAY down because it kind of grosses me out now after diving down the parasite rabbit hole. I don’t eat pork at all (except for bacon). Looking into it actually ruined a lot of foods for me.

I got some ivermectin and I’ll be running a few parasite cleanses here and there now.
If you fully cook your pork you'll be fine with that. I know they say we can cook it pink, but that kinda grosses me out.
I know of 2 Canadian domestic UGLs that carry ivermectin, there’s probably a few more I don’t know of. I know my parents bought a bunch from India during Covid, but success at the border was low. Heard of people getting the horse paste from farm supply stores, but also heard of people being asked for proof of livestock.

The more I looked into parasites, the easier it was to go down the worm hole (pun intended). As much as lots of fast growing late stage cancers have actually been misdiagnosed and were actually parasitic egg sacks, which is why ivermectin and fenben have been effective against SOME cancers.

University of Cairo in egypt actually had a large pubmed publication on this. Among many other things.

I’ve toned my sushi WAY down because it kind of grosses me out now after diving down the parasite rabbit hole. I don’t eat pork at all (except for bacon). Looking into it actually ruined a lot of foods for me.

I got some ivermectin and I’ll be running a few parasite cleanses here and there now.

I hate pork, but I eat 2-4 black bears a year.. Domestic pork has a very low parasite rate now, but black bear is still pretty high.. I just cook to 165 and enjoy the meat. When we do eat pork, same thing 165..

Black bear is fantastic tasting meat.. It's my kids favorite.. Unfortunately the whole parasite thing has demonized eating bear...