Mr olympia 2020 predictions

Something I found weird too is how most critics thought Phil was going to come back and just blow dudes outta the water. How often do you see a bodybuilder come back after a lay off and be the same bodybuilder? Never.
More so wishful thinking on everyone’s part. Phil’s story had he pulled it off would have been incredible and that’s what media/critics love about it.
Something I found weird too is how most critics thought Phil was going to come back and just blow dudes outta the water. How often do you see a bodybuilder come back after a lay off and be the same bodybuilder? Never.
I think it’s also tough to have that same desire after winning multiple titles.
Interesting thing I just found out , the 212 champ shaun is actually mountain dog trained. Never knew that.
What a shocker. At the prejudging I put him third at best but at the finals he was a clear winner. Good job ramy the guy definitely worked and persisted for the win. I cant believe phil came on stage with the package he did. I really thought next time we would see him he'd be pure perfection. Curry impressed as well, solidifying his last years win by beating heath this year.