Mixing oils


Large psychonaught
Trusted Member
If I had my own sterile vial and put x amount of different oils into it, essentially trying to create my own blend- how likely is it that I get the amount of compounds every time accurately or does it need to be BREWED to be a guarantee for the amounts.

5ml Npp 100mg/ml
5ml Test Ace 100mg/ml

Combined into a 10ml vial, each ml would contain 50mg of each, consistently? Would it just need to be shaken vigorously prior to each draw?
Thank you.
If the same carrier oil is used it is reasonable to believe it will mix homogenously.

Myself I draw with a 18/20/21ga then switch to a 1in 25ga to inject. I found it pretty easy to draw a certain amount then draw a certain amount more when I draw from the next vial to get what I need. Error is pretty minimal.
If I had my own sterile vial and put x amount of different oils into it, essentially trying to create my own blend- how likely is it that I get the amount of compounds every time accurately or does it need to be BREWED to be a guarantee for the amounts.

5ml Npp 100mg/ml
5ml Test Ace 100mg/ml

Combined into a 10ml vial, each ml would contain 50mg of each, consistently? Would it just need to be shaken vigorously prior to each draw?
Thank you.
Agreed with above already but if you don't mind answering what is the purpose, simple convenience to save time, or travelling or ?
If the oils are in fact different then obviously the more differnt that are would introduce more chance of error, I only mention this because info about that for most of the common ones is readily available if you wanted to investigate.
Agreed with above already but if you don't mind answering what is the purpose, simple convenience to save time, or travelling or ?
If the oils are in fact different then obviously the more differnt that are would introduce more chance of error, I only mention this because info about that for most of the common ones is readily available if you wanted to investigate.
Yea its a but of a pain but my workplace had rules on Rx drugs, all scripts gotta be disclosed or if they're found with though you have an Rx, you're gone.
They know about my test and hcg but would like to just microdose some other stuff for a few weeks. The less "paraphernalia" the better.
I have done that a few times. I used to heat the vial under hot water and shake the piss out of it before i would draw from it. I would pre load a few pins at a time so i wouldnt have to do it too often.
Not sure if it actually worked but i couldnt tell the difference.
I have a 20ml vial in my stash that i did that to but i cant remember whats in it lol. Pretty sure its test e, tren e and mast e from older leftovers i put together but there also could be some deca in there too lol