How long can I keep opened vials?


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I have a few random vials in my stash that are half full. How long are these safe to keep? Probably a year old now and wont be using them for another year. Should I swab them Once in a while or just leave them, nothing to worry about?
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I have a few random vials in my stash that are half full. How long are these safe to keep? Probably a year old now and wont be using them for another year. Should I swab them Once in a while or just leave them, nothing to worry about?

its always a good idea to be safe. the hormone in side will be good for years as @Goldenrod says. however if it was me and I had a open vial half full or so that was a going to be two years old when I went to use it I would just toss it. sure might be safe but why take that chance.

or now if you really want to use it and your a cheap ass son of a bitch like me you can heat up your oven to 240 degree's F and put the vial on a cookie sheet and make sure you have it in there at 240F for at least 45 minutes. that will ensure its safe to inject.
I am a cheap fucker. ive always tossed them in the past. But one of the vials is primo!! Lol
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I've used them, but I'm careful with my sterility when I draw. Plus after a while I place my old half used old vials into a zip lock bag to keep out of the way and clean.
So every time I inject air into vial to help oil come out -I think I am introducing atmospheric germs which may or may not grow given the BB and BA but over time -3+ months-maybe--I toss them