Gotta quit smoking weed

I smoked weed for years, at one point like 4g per day. I started getting extremely paranoid after years of it, I quit because I can't smoke anymore without getting paranoia, I don't drink alcohol either anymore, sober life is good, clear head and more drive.
On vacation to another country is the best way because you’ve got a lot to do and be busy about so it will make it easier.

I quit cold turkey but I’m has been an on and off habit for me. My longest and most consumption was 2 years straight at 5g per day. When you’re desensitized you can get a lot done, my friends couldn’t believe how I was still energetic and hyperactive throughout the day. It just calmed me down and my thoughts didn’t race as much. Having it at night before sleep is the best because it made me reflect on my day. It will be in my life again some day but for now it is gone. I did go through withdrawal for about a week, I was angry and sweating getting anxious and couldn’t sleep but it’s soft compared to other drugs I’ve done daily for months on end including IV administration of various substances. It’s a mind over matter thing just suck it up and keep busy. I smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for many years as well. You can cold turkey that shit too but it’s worse than weed. What I did realize with tobacco is that if you have natural unprocessed tobacco that’s a bit moist and you roll that with a cellulose filter, it definitely does not make you spit phlegm in the morning and you can quit any day without withdrawals. I use it with tea when I need to get shit done and quit it for weeks.

I know @Novitec (who by the way said good stuff about overeating junk and estrogen that I agree with) said stuff about weed not having many effects on body functions, I have personal data about my test levels going from 8 to 15 nmol/L when I stopped my chronic use (pun intended lol) and this happened in 2 months where I still didn’t exercise but just quit eating sugars and junk food. Nothing else changed. The research is there too and it was what convinced me to stop. My natural test 3 years prior to testing low was 37 nmol/L and being above the range did not matter said the doctor I was seeing as I was scared I would go sterile. The ages of 28-31 shouldn’t have you plummet that low. You’re not going from 40-50. So I bet in two more months I’ll be in the 20s for my test production. But this time exercise will be introduced. I was going to keep my habit of consuming 5g daily and just go on trt but I decided it was time. It’s good to take time off. I feel like I was running around a track with water up to my waist and now it feels like there’s no resistance. Like that dog that’s on a leash that’s trying to run and dragging his owner behind that’s providing resistance. That’s how I felt. I have adhd and it certainly helped me so much in life but when you over do anything, it will start having negative effects. The most time I took off was 4.5 years (I was busy with learning science & engineering) and learning is very easy/fun when you’re sober. It’s also very fun when you’re high, I ain’t gonna lie. The most I’ve been on consistently daily was around 4 years. So I cannot compare myself to you but I can say that the break will do you good.

I recommend coffee and if you smoke, get yourself some of the cheaper Cuban cigars ($10-$16) ones that take 45 mins to smoke. It helped me for the first 3-4 days.

Smoking weed multiple times a day helped me quit cigarettes.

Over doing stimulants have helped me quit weed before as well because the initial 3 days was hard before. Being with women during those times help.

Sleeping aids have helped.

My extremist attitude helped. You gotta snap for real and be mad. And know what you want and tell yourself to go fuck yourself everytime you feel like giving up.

Music has helped sooooo much.

Food helped me as well but you can easily put on 10lbs in a couple of weeks if you don’t watch it.

Just staying busy all day helped the most. Because you’re seeing the difference between sober performance and highness. I mean physically. Can’t say mentally because I’ve smoked small 0.3-0.4g joints before exams, reeking like dank and have people look at me with disbelief because they know I’m gonna kill it no matter how high, drunk, or doped up on sleeping pills from the night before. I have horrible anxiety and get panic attacks before exams so weed helped sometimes. My mind sober is dangerous because I could either score 100% or as low as a 17% because words start to move and look differently and I read something completely different. I think I’m fine now, got a 90.97% recently but I get the pressure I didn’t feel in a long time. Weed made me not give a fuck and that’s what helped I think.

So in conclusion, you can achieve anything you want with or without weed. It’s a matter of how you want to go about things. I chose to take the red pill because the blue pill makes you think all the time you spent was just a dream (the matrix reference) and that’s how you feel if you smoke retarded amounts all day. No one here has high natural test levels AND is massive at 8% bodyfat AND has a job that requires physical and mental capacity AND smokes SEVERAL GRAMS of cannabis daily. I can bet my bald shiny head on that.
On vacation to another country is the best way because you’ve got a lot to do and be busy about so it will make it easier.

I quit cold turkey but I’m has been an on and off habit for me. My longest and most consumption was 2 years straight at 5g per day. When you’re desensitized you can get a lot done, my friends couldn’t believe how I was still energetic and hyperactive throughout the day. It just calmed me down and my thoughts didn’t race as much. Having it at night before sleep is the best because it made me reflect on my day. It will be in my life again some day but for now it is gone. I did go through withdrawal for about a week, I was angry and sweating getting anxious and couldn’t sleep but it’s soft compared to other drugs I’ve done daily for months on end including IV administration of various substances. It’s a mind over matter thing just suck it up and keep busy. I smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for many years as well. You can cold turkey that shit too but it’s worse than weed. What I did realize with tobacco is that if you have natural unprocessed tobacco that’s a bit moist and you roll that with a cellulose filter, it definitely does not make you spit phlegm in the morning and you can quit any day without withdrawals. I use it with tea when I need to get shit done and quit it for weeks.

I know @Novitec (who by the way said good stuff about overeating junk and estrogen that I agree with) said stuff about weed not having many effects on body functions, I have personal data about my test levels going from 8 to 15 nmol/L when I stopped my chronic use (pun intended lol) and this happened in 2 months where I still didn’t exercise but just quit eating sugars and junk food. Nothing else changed. The research is there too and it was what convinced me to stop. My natural test 3 years prior to testing low was 37 nmol/L and being above the range did not matter said the doctor I was seeing as I was scared I would go sterile. The ages of 28-31 shouldn’t have you plummet that low. You’re not going from 40-50. So I bet in two more months I’ll be in the 20s for my test production. But this time exercise will be introduced. I was going to keep my habit of consuming 5g daily and just go on trt but I decided it was time. It’s good to take time off. I feel like I was running around a track with water up to my waist and now it feels like there’s no resistance. Like that dog that’s on a leash that’s trying to run and dragging his owner behind that’s providing resistance. That’s how I felt. I have adhd and it certainly helped me so much in life but when you over do anything, it will start having negative effects. The most time I took off was 4.5 years (I was busy with learning science & engineering) and learning is very easy/fun when you’re sober. It’s also very fun when you’re high, I ain’t gonna lie. The most I’ve been on consistently daily was around 4 years. So I cannot compare myself to you but I can say that the break will do you good.

I recommend coffee and if you smoke, get yourself some of the cheaper Cuban cigars ($10-$16) ones that take 45 mins to smoke. It helped me for the first 3-4 days.

Smoking weed multiple times a day helped me quit cigarettes.

Over doing stimulants have helped me quit weed before as well because the initial 3 days was hard before. Being with women during those times help.

Sleeping aids have helped.

My extremist attitude helped. You gotta snap for real and be mad. And know what you want and tell yourself to go fuck yourself everytime you feel like giving up.

Music has helped sooooo much.

Food helped me as well but you can easily put on 10lbs in a couple of weeks if you don’t watch it.

Just staying busy all day helped the most. Because you’re seeing the difference between sober performance and highness. I mean physically. Can’t say mentally because I’ve smoked small 0.3-0.4g joints before exams, reeking like dank and have people look at me with disbelief because they know I’m gonna kill it no matter how high, drunk, or doped up on sleeping pills from the night before. I have horrible anxiety and get panic attacks before exams so weed helped sometimes. My mind sober is dangerous because I could either score 100% or as low as a 17% because words start to move and look differently and I read something completely different. I think I’m fine now, got a 90.97% recently but I get the pressure I didn’t feel in a long time. Weed made me not give a fuck and that’s what helped I think.

So in conclusion, you can achieve anything you want with or without weed. It’s a matter of how you want to go about things. I chose to take the red pill because the blue pill makes you think all the time you spent was just a dream (the matrix reference) and that’s how you feel if you smoke retarded amounts all day. No one here has high natural test levels AND is massive at 8% bodyfat AND has a job that requires physical and mental capacity AND smokes SEVERAL GRAMS of cannabis daily. I can bet my bald shiny head on that.
Wicked post...Great stuff.
For what its worth, It might be important for you to find the reason why you started using it in the first place. I find that once I figure out the root cause of why I do something, it just makes it so clear what and why I need to change. My own personal story, I wasn't that hardcore of a weed smoker, I had my phase. It all ended when I ate some mushrooms and realized I was going backwards in life. LOL talk about gateway drugs.
Wow good thing I got a trip planned for this weekend, that should kick start things for me. I used to smoke cigarettes for 10 years as well and I have no problem starting and stopping that. I'll actually probably smoke while I'm on vacation like I usually do and then once I'm back, I don't wanna even look at my darts.... But when I see my weed... Ugh it's so tempting
Fly to another country, go to a new place, or get a fly in job somewhere. Somewhwre where weed is not available or around after a few days you will be fine
Interestingly enough, the times I have been able to quit, this was the exact circumstance. And you're absolutely right, it was easy as hell once it was completely off the menu
How's the quitten going? I left the country on Saturday morning and today is the first day I can't sleep. Been staring at the ceiling for a few hours now.
i use to do it for fun once in a while but the paranoia and headache i got the next day not worth it.
Well now you can buy weed in Nevada... So the "quit" streak is out the window
I take a small puff before bed most days.. Literally 1 small puff. I've been using one of those epens since June.. still on the same cartridge..

I do it to help sleep

I've been a heavy smoker for long periods between 19-28 years old (40's now) and I quite for long periods of time during that time span as well..

I'm the type of person that does not react well to heavy long term smoking pot.. I get anxiety, absolutley no energy, very dazed 24/7 etc.. So for me to quit, I just stopped smoking for a few days and felt 100000x better..

Best advice I can give you is get rid of all your weed and weed variations.. Get it off your property.. If you feel like using pot, get off your ass and go do something.. anything.. go do some cardio, read a book, shovel snow.. anything..

Don't put yourself in the position you used to smoke pot in.. So if you were one of those people that would sit on the couch and smoke.. Don't sit on the couch lol.. it will bring back the habit..

The hardest thing for me when I would quit would be sleeping.. When I smoked a lot I couldn't sleep without being high.. It was awfull. I wouldn't sleep or sleep very little and go about my day like a zombie.. then that night I'd try no pot again, but I'd be so friggin tiried and still couldn't sleep.. And I knew just a little smoke would fix it.. then the cycle would start all over..

Get something in the house for sleep.. melatonin, nyquil, GABA.. anything that's not pot based..
I smoked weed for years, at one point like 4g per day. I started getting extremely paranoid after years of it, I quit because I can't smoke anymore without getting paranoia, I don't drink alcohol either anymore, sober life is good, clear head and more drive.

Lots of links between heavy pot use and schizophrenia.... Kind of scary actually..

Research is showing that some long term pot users will develope it, but some won't.. And they don't know factors or indicators that hep dtermine if you will or won't yet
Lots of links between heavy pot use and schizophrenia.... Kind of scary actually..

Research is showing that some long term pot users will develope it, but some won't.. And they don't know factors or indicators that hep dtermine if you will or won't yet
Well, I can say first hand that some do, I suspect it might be related to your baseline levels of neuroticism. I had experienced this myself and one of my exes did also and in both situations it seems to have had a positive feedback loop where the anxiety made the user want to use more of the drug.

On a side note I smoked a joint with a girlfriend a couple months ago before sex, she enjoys sex more on weed. I got paranoia anxiety and a limp noodle, the effects lasted for about a half hour before I could produce wood and I won't do it again.
I love my dope. I smoke it instead of drinking alcohol. I can get a nice high, feel at peace with the world, sleep better, and wake up feeling good. Alcohol seems to have the opposite effect on me.

If I had to quit…I dunno what I would do other than just stopping cold turkey. I’ve thought about it for the financial gain but it’s not that pricey where I live.

Somebody mentioned boredom. I can concur that this is one reason I smoke so much…on my days off work especially in the winter I find I smoke a lot more.

Sorry not much help. I actually like it and don’t plan on quitting.
I love my dope. I smoke it instead of drinking alcohol. I can get a nice high, feel at peace with the world, sleep better, and wake up feeling good. Alcohol seems to have the opposite effect on me.

If I had to quit…I dunno what I would do other than just stopping cold turkey. I’ve thought about it for the financial gain but it’s not that pricey where I live.

Somebody mentioned boredom. I can concur that this is one reason I smoke so much…on my days off work especially in the winter I find I smoke a lot more.

Sorry not much help. I actually like it and don’t plan on quitting.
I think this belongs in the "I am NOT quitting weed" thread bud : )

Just kidding, I am exactly like you...stopped drinking a while back and now its very small amounts of thc at night usually to help me stay calm and fall asleep without tossing for an hour.
I think this belongs in the "I am NOT quitting weed" thread bud : )

Just kidding, I am exactly like you...stopped drinking a while back and now its very small amounts of thc at night usually to help me stay calm and fall asleep without tossing for an hour.
Weed always made me paranoid, to get the stress relief and calming effect is there specific strands to go for? I know cush and Hydro fucking sucked ass but I hear sativa and indica are the main differences to look for
Ok so I've been dancing around this one for a while but I guess its time.
Cleaned up everything else I my life over the last while, things going pretty solid. Time to get this under control

Any tips for a long time every day weed smoker trying to quit?

(Nothing against anyone who chooses to smoke everyday, worked for me for years. I just know I can be better without it, and I would really like to better for a change)
I've always been curious why a majority of body-builders smoke or ingest Cannabis regularly. Is it because of the already established use of performance enhancing drugs, so why not? or more like weed makes you lift better?
Weed always made me paranoid, to get the stress relief and calming effect is there specific strands to go for? I know cush and Hydro fucking sucked ass but I hear sativa and indica are the main differences to look for
High THC strains make my heart race and give me anxiety too now as I get older, used to be fine in my 20s with any strain.

I usually smoke 1:1 ratio strains from OCS, like Pennywise by Pure Sun Farms or Pre-rolls from Tweed brand Skunk Haze. These two have the best balance of THC and CBD.

If you have a shop nearby ask the people that work there what their favorite 'balanced strain' is and they will know....I prefer OCS for the convenience.

Have tried oils and capsules too but the effects last into next day for me and thats no good with my job