Good time to buy DXD? GOld?


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WIth these tarrifs and pissing match between USA/Can, I really think both economies are going to suffer.. Would it be a good time to buy DXD or more gold?
Both economies are going to suffer regardless(IMO they're already in the toilet) and they're basically agreeing to higher inflation as tariffs do nothing to combat it. The way I see it is tariffs are an accelerant for the impending debt collapse.

Tldr more inflation means everything gets bid up so that should give you your answer.

*Not financial advice*
I think the most important thing is to be out of CAD.
I will likely take on Debt in CAD and buy US equities and Bonds. If CAD falls below 62 cents USD....look out
.62 is very specific. Why is this. Curiously wondering.
Only a 6 cent difference from now.
The time to buy precious metals was 3 years ago or eaelier imo. Now youd be buying at the top hoping it still rises more. Only way it goes up more is more instability, like ww3.
What to invest in now is very hard to judge imo.
The more money flows to the rich the more it gets put into the markets. When the flow dries up then things drop or remain stagnant at least.
With no severe recession hitting in the last 10 years its definitely due. The elites hate trump so they could tank things to make him look weak, but they hate loosing or not making money more than anything so whatever.
I think hydro one is good investment. The price of energy will only rise and we aint getting any better at using less electricity anymore. We onky releigh on it more and more, so they can raise it more and more to pay for infastructure etc. Utilities are safer than bank stocks in the current circumstances imo. To each thier own.
The time to buy precious metals was 3 years ago or eaelier imo. Now youd be buying at the top hoping it still rises more. Only way it goes up more is more instability, like ww3.
What to invest in now is very hard to judge imo.
The more money flows to the rich the more it gets put into the markets. When the flow dries up then things drop or remain stagnant at least.
With no severe recession hitting in the last 10 years its definitely due. The elites hate trump so they could tank things to make him look weak, but they hate loosing or not making money more than anything so whatever.
I think hydro one is good investment. The price of energy will only rise and we aint getting any better at using less electricity anymore. We onky releigh on it more and more, so they can raise it more and more to pay for infastructure etc. Utilities are safer than bank stocks in the current circumstances imo. To each thier own.
Trump has already started the narrative for lower or even negative rates by bashing the fed for keeping them steady. Assuming what you're suggesting is true and the "elites" drop the ball on him, he'd probably get his way and get low or even negative rates, not that I think he has any say in the matter. Ultimately this accelerates the wealth transfer to the 1-2%ers which includes himself and his buddies just like during COVID. Great opportunity if someone were to position themselves correctly, unfortunately most aren't. This is by design.

This is not to call you out personally I'm just speaking generally but to call tops and bottoms is a fools errand, especially in this environment. If you understand the mechanisms in place there will continue to be more and more cash printed and everything will get more expensive. This nonsense about tariffs is just noise, they did nothing to combat inflation last time. The rise in cost simply gets passed on to the consumer.

With this trend of rising bond yields, it seems cash has no flight to safety anymore. It would appear risk on is the new risk off. That's not to say we wont see dips or even crashes.

IMO commodities and cryptos are still massively undervalued.
Trump has already started the narrative for lower or even negative rates by bashing the fed for keeping them steady. Assuming what you're suggesting is true and the "elites" drop the ball on him, he'd probably get his way and get low or even negative rates, not that I think he has any say in the matter. Ultimately this accelerates the wealth transfer to the 1-2%ers which includes himself and his buddies just like during COVID. Great opportunity if someone were to position themselves correctly, unfortunately most aren't. This is by design.

This is not to call you out personally I'm just speaking generally but to call tops and bottoms is a fools errand, especially in this environment. If you understand the mechanisms in place there will continue to be more and more cash printed and everything will get more expensive. This nonsense about tariffs is just noise, they did nothing to combat inflation last time. The rise in cost simply gets passed on to the consumer.

With this trend of rising bond yields, it seems cash has no flight to safety anymore. It would appear risk on is the new risk off. That's not to say we wont see dips or even crashes.

IMO commodities and cryptos are still massively undervalued.
I Agree and agreed with your previous post too. It just seems nuts that they can run this ponzi scheme even further than they have with biden.
yeh, i dont mean im calling it to be an actual top for the next few years, but its a current top. I just feel like its risky for gold. If trump pushes war with iran then i do think it will continue to rise. Otherwise, personally i think its gonna stay around where it is. Slight rise maybe. Just my opinions of course.
Commodities will run wild like some have already recently anyways. As inflation rises so will they.

Risk on is the new risk off is hilarious, nuts and damn scary. But it does seem that way.

I used to think the markets followed what i would see in everyday life. At least thats how it was for my adult life...until biden and post covid. Partially my fault for not realizing that all the QE would rise to the top and end up in the market anyways while people struggled to pay bills, afford groceries and put a roof over thier heads. It didnt matter cuz the rich kept pumping. Mom n pops pumped too. Just nuts.

Ive had my money out for a few years partially because i needed it for a different endeavor and partially needed some to survive. But i was not expecting all time highs on qqq and spy. I was awaiting the callapse, lol.

Im always weary of new things which causes me to miss some opportunities like crypto and nvidea.

Iv made some money, ive lpst some money, overall im up, but the last 2 years threw me for a loop mentally with the markets. Thankfully i wasnt in.
.62 is very specific. Why is this. Curiously wondering.
Only a 6 cent difference from now.
Because that was the low in 2002. It has been higher since. If it doesn't find support at that level then it will break through historical support and find a new low.
We may see one positive thing with the tarrifs. Beef prices might drop, about 80% of our beef is exported to the USA right now and if that slows becasue of price we will have a surplus driving down price. I was a little dip in prices this week.
We may see one positive thing with the tarrifs. Beef prices might drop, about 80% of our beef is exported to the USA right now and if that slows becasue of price we will have a surplus driving down price. I was a little dip in prices this week.
That would be great, because $15 for a fuckin raw steak at walmart is fuckin nuts.
I Agree and agreed with your previous post too. It just seems nuts that they can run this ponzi scheme even further than they have with biden.
yeh, i dont mean im calling it to be an actual top for the next few years, but its a current top. I just feel like its risky for gold. If trump pushes war with iran then i do think it will continue to rise. Otherwise, personally i think its gonna stay around where it is. Slight rise maybe. Just my opinions of course.
Commodities will run wild like some have already recently anyways. As inflation rises so will they.

Risk on is the new risk off is hilarious, nuts and damn scary. But it does seem that way.

I used to think the markets followed what i would see in everyday life. At least thats how it was for my adult life...until biden and post covid. Partially my fault for not realizing that all the QE would rise to the top and end up in the market anyways while people struggled to pay bills, afford groceries and put a roof over thier heads. It didnt matter cuz the rich kept pumping. Mom n pops pumped too. Just nuts.

Ive had my money out for a few years partially because i needed it for a different endeavor and partially needed some to survive. But i was not expecting all time highs on qqq and spy. I was awaiting the callapse, lol.

Im always weary of new things which causes me to miss some opportunities like crypto and nvidea.

Iv made some money, ive lpst some money, overall im up, but the last 2 years threw me for a loop mentally with the markets. Thankfully i wasnt in.
For sure this whole thing is absolutely nuts. It's sort of weird dynamic where the average Joe has to invest whatever they have just to have a chance at getting ahead.

Personally, I'm really big on cryptos, up down doesn't matter I add when I can. I really think theres huge potential there and I have a pretty big appetite for risk. I just picked up some silver and platinum recently too. Cryptos and metals are my thing 🙂

I feel for myself it's better to be in the market than sitting in cash, I think based on the current dynamics it's that way for most as well, trouble is most people cant afford to. I think the recent stat was 52% of Canadians have 200$ or less in disposable income 😐
I like gold and silver, but like anything its just a a small chunk of my portfolio. Ive been buying and selling gold and silver for years
We may see one positive thing with the tarrifs. Beef prices might drop, about 80% of our beef is exported to the USA right now and if that slows becasue of price we will have a surplus driving down price. I was a little dip in prices this week.

I dunno... Those big beef companies will not want to give up profit margins.. So if the market falls out, I'm guessing they might jack the price up for the remaining buyers they have.

It wouldn't shock me if the Can market is flooded with beef that they would rather it sit and rot then sell it for much less than they are used to selling it for.

I could be wrong, but father in-law was trying to explain to me how meat prices can be manipulated by the big guys just as much as anything else.
I dunno... Those big beef companies will not want to give up profit margins.. So if the market falls out, I'm guessing they might jack the price up for the remaining buyers they have.

It wouldn't shock me if the Can market is flooded with beef that they would rather it sit and rot then sell it for much less than they are used to selling it for.

I could be wrong, but father in-law was trying to explain to me how meat prices can be manipulated by the big guys just as much as anything else.

Sort of like how we all think and want the prices of shit to drop once this carbon tax is gone.. But we all know those big companies know we are used to paying 4$ for a loaf of bread, so why would they drop those prices down to $3.00 once the carbon tax is gone? We've already proven we can and will buy the bread for 4$.
I dunno... Those big beef companies will not want to give up profit margins.. So if the market falls out, I'm guessing they might jack the price up for the remaining buyers they have.

It wouldn't shock me if the Can market is flooded with beef that they would rather it sit and rot then sell it for much less than they are used to selling it for.

I could be wrong, but father in-law was trying to explain to me how meat prices can be manipulated by the big guys just as much as anything else.
They can’t do that with meat, it’s a perishable product. They can’t hold it and have to flog it to get rid of it. Even if they stop bringing in cattle to finish on feed today, they likely have a months worth already waiting for production. There is a lot of logistics. Just like I bought my steaks you’ll buy 6 weeks ago to age.

This happens a fair bit a certain times a year.

As far as carbon tax goes, I know I have eaten profit margins because of the carbon tax, the biggest reason why prices have increased so much is because they borrowed so much money and dumped it into the system and destroyed the value of our dollar. Carbon tax is part of it, but the biggest screw up was the amount of money they just willy nilly dumped into the system, increasing our circulating currency by 40%. They replaced far more than what was lost by covid shutdowns. Essentially they fucked us to look cool.

I will not drop prices unless forced once the carbon tax goes away, I want to get back what I lost in profits because of the carbon tax. What will happen is prices won’t rise for a long time, instead of pretty much monthly like now. See you most of us business have a range we will run for profits, and once it gets down to a specific point we increase to bring it back, but we don’t want to be increasing and dropping it weekly, we we have a set point. Raise it to be at the high end, then as costs increase it get less and less until we get to a point where profits are low, then raise again.

I know everyone is screaming big corporations are making the biggest profits ever, but they are not. Lets use my business for example, lets say before covid I made $100,000 in profit. I now need to make $130,000 in profit in order for the money to be the same. See $130,000 is only worth $100,000 now. I’m sorry but why should I eat 30% profit because the government fucked up, we should be getting 40% more but settle with 30, and are already eating 10% compared to before.

So just scale that up to a place that makes 100,000,000, they need to make 130,000,000 to have the same profits. They are on a much larger scale, of thousands of stores. It is pretty easy to bleed money in a big store fast, and it could be in the millions.

What people also forget, profits also pay for expansion, and when times get rough. If you made no profit, why be in business, just like no one would want to work to just make enough to buy food and pay rent and nothing extra.

Btw all my numbers are estimates. Was inflation exactly 30%, likely not I believe it was more like 45%.
They can’t do that with meat, it’s a perishable product. They can’t hold it and have to flog it to get rid of it. Even if they stop bringing in cattle to finish on feed today, they likely have a months worth already waiting for production. There is a lot of logistics. Just like I bought my steaks you’ll buy 6 weeks ago to age.

This happens a fair bit a certain times a year.

As far as carbon tax goes, I know I have eaten profit margins because of the carbon tax, the biggest reason why prices have increased so much is because they borrowed so much money and dumped it into the system and destroyed the value of our dollar. Carbon tax is part of it, but the biggest screw up was the amount of money they just willy nilly dumped into the system, increasing our circulating currency by 40%. They replaced far more than what was lost by covid shutdowns. Essentially they fucked us to look cool.

I will not drop prices unless forced once the carbon tax goes away, I want to get back what I lost in profits because of the carbon tax. What will happen is prices won’t rise for a long time, instead of pretty much monthly like now. See you most of us business have a range we will run for profits, and once it gets down to a specific point we increase to bring it back, but we don’t want to be increasing and dropping it weekly, we we have a set point. Raise it to be at the high end, then as costs increase it get less and less until we get to a point where profits are low, then raise again.

I know everyone is screaming big corporations are making the biggest profits ever, but they are not. Lets use my business for example, lets say before covid I made $100,000 in profit. I now need to make $130,000 in profit in order for the money to be the same. See $130,000 is only worth $100,000 now. I’m sorry but why should I eat 30% profit because the government fucked up, we should be getting 40% more but settle with 30, and are already eating 10% compared to before.

So just scale that up to a place that makes 100,000,000, they need to make 130,000,000 to have the same profits. They are on a much larger scale, of thousands of stores. It is pretty easy to bleed money in a big store fast, and it could be in the millions.

What people also forget, profits also pay for expansion, and when times get rough. If you made no profit, why be in business, just like no one would want to work to just make enough to buy food and pay rent and nothing extra.

Btw all my numbers are estimates. Was inflation exactly 30%, likely not I believe it was more like 45%.

That's another perspective I really haven't considered to be honest. Some yes, but most I really haven't seen that side of it.

I do think your business is run a bit different than most. People can't get over how your prices are.. cheaper then they can find elsewhere.. Not sure all businesses are run the same. I think you are more liekly to give up a part of profits than most.
That's another perspective I really haven't considered to be honest. Some yes, but most I really haven't seen that side of it.

I do think your business is run a bit different than most. People can't get over how your prices are.. cheaper then they can find elsewhere.. Not sure all businesses are run the same. I think you are more liekly to give up a part of profits than most.
I used to be more, but the grocery stores stopped selling their meat at cost. So they decided to finally make profit off of meat.

Plus we are not cheaper on everything. If you buy our premade items, you pay for the service, plus I make all sausages, cold cuts, bacon and jerky in store, so no middle man making a chunk of profit off off that, so all the profit is mine.

Also, I would rather push volume, its far easier to just produce to keep up then try and control how much you produce so you don't throw out product.

Unfortunately this week I have to raise prices. All my spice suppliers have been sending me notes about price increases, my rent is going up this year as per my contract (only 0.50 a sq ft) but every little thing adds up over time.

I am really hoping I can get some beef for trim that is decent priced, everything so far has been over $5 a pound, and I sell lean ground for $5.99, I can't go off of $0.50 a pound profit.
I used to be more, but the grocery stores stopped selling their meat at cost. So they decided to finally make profit off of meat.

Plus we are not cheaper on everything. If you buy our premade items, you pay for the service, plus I make all sausages, cold cuts, bacon and jerky in store, so no middle man making a chunk of profit off off that, so all the profit is mine.

Also, I would rather push volume, its far easier to just produce to keep up then try and control how much you produce so you don't throw out product.

Unfortunately this week I have to raise prices. All my spice suppliers have been sending me notes about price increases, my rent is going up this year as per my contract (only 0.50 a sq ft) but every little thing adds up over time.

I am really hoping I can get some beef for trim that is decent priced, everything so far has been over $5 a pound, and I sell lean ground for $5.99, I can't go off of $0.50 a pound profit.

I know cattle farmers around here are shitting their pants...

As is, lots of farmers here are holding on to their entire wheat crops instead of selling it because that market fell apart.. They have the abiliity to hold grains until the prices rise again, but there is still a risk of losing the grain to mold etc.. Some farmers here held their canola this year as well..