gold and silver

Don't do its get addictive..haha. Im more into the vintage stuff now and it goes for a pretty good premium. I dont believe all the hype that it will make you a fortune. But its the best way for me to save money.
Don't do its get addictive..haha. Im more into the vintage stuff now and it goes for a pretty good premium. I dont believe all the hype that it will make you a fortune. But its the best way for me to save money.
Gold and silver is not used to make u rich it's more to protect your wealth when everything goes to shit.

Some don't want to believe wants coming, but i guaranty you it's going to be big, and i can tell you the worst thing there going to do is rob us with the bail-in :(
Good time to buy now with the recent dip in prices before it climbs higher again.
Premiums on sliver are still quite high, but gold and platinum are reasonable
Good time to buy now with the recent dip in prices before it climbs higher again.
Premiums on sliver are still quite high, but gold and platinum are reasonable
Gold was a bargain a month or so ago. All the wall street bets guys were pumping silver making the premium go up and I was buying gold..haha.
Good time to buy now with the recent dip in prices before it climbs higher again.
Premiums on sliver are still quite high, but gold and platinum are reasonable
especially if people are in toronto canadianpmx has good price .
I like silvergoldbull and ordered from them often. Based in Calgary I believe
They are good. I use them. But ive found colonialacres has a bit better pricing, also border gold is even cheaper but no free shipping ( $30)
They are good. I use them. But ive found colonialacres has a bit better pricing, also border gold is even cheaper but no free shipping ( $30)
I’m not familiar with them, but I appreciate the suggestion and will look them up.
That's kinda what I was saying, you jist explained it Ive just found theres alot of manipulation with the precious metals market
100% agree but if you look at countries like russia and china that keep buying gold, and storing it, it only shows u that gold = power and wealth in the long run.
I ordered from them lots, in the past year.
Actually I read a post last year from you and that’s what started my stacking. Thanks for the addiction Lol
I’ve stopped buying silver because I can’t stomach the premiums.
Yes the metal market is definitely manipulated but I pick and choose wisely now between gold and a little platinum
I like silvergoldbull and ordered from them often. Based in Calgary I believe.
if you compare silvergoldbull to canadianpmx or even canadagold you will see that silvergoldbull is more expensive, but it always depends where you located .
if you compare silvergoldbull to canadianpmx or even canadagold you will see that silvergoldbull is more expensive, but it always depends where you located .
Yes and I live on the east coast and the free shipping appeals to me.
I haven’t done much comparing lately and I appreciate the suggestions
Gold is not doing what it should be doing. With all this market volatility, new variant and inflation gold should really be on the rise. It's not though. I think Crypto has taken away a lot of the gold bulls, or maybe the younger investors just have no interest in it. Either way not sure when or if ever we will see $2000 again.