bpc 157


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Hello everyone
I found a guide online for how to reconstitute bp7 and how dosages work but my main question is is it better to inject where I am trying to heal for example my elbow or can I do sub Q and I was looking at 500mcg for a couple weeks or would you guys reccomend a different dossage
This is a topic that has been debated to death. I will give you my opinion and why I think this way. Number one - it has to have some systemic effects so injecting it anywhere should help. I state that as I was injecting behind my Achilles tendon and another tendon issue I had for years also healed to some degree.

With that in mind I find this is the only peptide I heal injuries quicker by injecting as close to the injury site as possible. I did this with my 3 year Achilles tendon strain - doing one at time to remove the placebo effect. One month on each and the pain never came back. I figured if it is systemic and most people on other forums/some here, comments by people I trust, state inject it as close as possible - why not remove the chance - inject it behind your Achilles tendon if that is what is bothering you since if it is systemic anyway so it will go through your body. If it is your bicep tendon - inject close since if it is systemic, it will get through the whole body anyway.

The biggest issue I find is people don't use enough. My orthopaedic surgeon said he uses it (a champion power lifter) and is the most benign peptide he knows of. It is getting expensive but depending on your weight, I would be using a minimum of 1000 mcg's/1 mg a day in the area. You will always see write ups about two injections a day of 250 mcg's but I found one injection a day was as good and I needed more than 500 MCG's except for my Achilles tendons as they responded the best of all injuries. I have used more too but it is not a panacea and did not help much with some injuries. Others, it was great.

Good luck
deeling with an injury will look this up.sore hips n dont think from squats.physio and stretching have not helped yet
I did 500mcg everyday for 3 months for tennis elbow. Currently doing it again at 750mcg for the first month. I pinch it with a clip or closepin. Probably easier with help. I rotated the site as much as possible around my elbow area. Probably a 3" circle. Who knows if its right or wrong...lol
This is a topic that has been debated to death. I will give you my opinion and why I think this way. Number one - it has to have some systemic effects so injecting it anywhere should help. I state that as I was injecting behind my Achilles tendon and another tendon issue I had for years also healed to some degree.

With that in mind I find this is the only peptide I heal injuries quicker by injecting as close to the injury site as possible. I did this with my 3 year Achilles tendon strain - doing one at time to remove the placebo effect. One month on each and the pain never came back. I figured if it is systemic and most people on other forums/some here, comments by people I trust, state inject it as close as possible - why not remove the chance - inject it behind your Achilles tendon if that is what is bothering you since if it is systemic anyway so it will go through your body. If it is your bicep tendon - inject close since if it is systemic, it will get through the whole body anyway.

The biggest issue I find is people don't use enough. My orthopaedic surgeon said he uses it (a champion power lifter) and is the most benign peptide he knows of. It is getting expensive but depending on your weight, I would be using a minimum of 1000 mcg's/1 mg a day in the area. You will always see write ups about two injections a day of 250 mcg's but I found one injection a day was as good and I needed more than 500 MCG's except for my Achilles tendons as they responded the best of all injuries. I have used more too but it is not a panacea and did not help much with some injuries. Others, it was great.

Good luck
Any nausea etc when you're injecting 1000mcg/day in 1 shot?
I did 500mcg everyday for 3 months for tennis elbow. Currently doing it again at 750mcg for the first month. I pinch it with a clip or closepin. Probably easier with help. I rotated the site as much as possible around my elbow area. Probably a 3" circle. Who knows if its right or wrong...lol
Thanks for the tip! I was just contemplating how I was going to administer the shot into shoulder/outer bicep head with one arm.
never - if BPC157 gives you nausea I question if it is BPC157 or if you are one in the million that is somehow allergic to something in it since we already have it in our body.
Did you use TB 500 with it?
If so what dose or do you think it should just be used alone
Did you use TB 500 with it?
If so what dose or do you think it should just be used alone
Yes and no - I have used TB500 (there is a monthly log of sorts from 5 years ago dealing with multiple injuries and my progression to lifting heavy again). I have used TB500 multiple times and other times I tried BPB157 by itself - neither of the peptides were a panacea with the exception of my Achilles Tendon strain - it was magic for curing 3 years of pain in 1 month and it has never come back. Essentially, over the years I tried everything with the exception of ridiculously high doses even though I believe real BPC157 to be completely benign.

You can find a hundred different threads with different opinions on dosages but one of the reason I think people don't have success with BPC157 is they don't use enough - try to get away with 250 mcg's per day or twice per day which is the recommended dosage. My best success was with more - 1 mg per day (made no difference for me if I did once or twice a day). When I was fighting multiple issues, I also used 2 mg or 2,000 mcg's a day as I do not believe BPC157 is as systemic as many other peptides based on years of trial and error.
If you are referring to TB500 - people take as much as 20 mg a week but I never exceeded 7 mg a week - when used with BPC157 - 1000 mcg's or 1 mg of both injected as close to the injury as possible.
Why take a chance as the peptides are expensive. If BPC157 is systemic you can inject it anywhere - right? If it isn't as systemic why not inject in the muscle around the injury area? If TB500 is systemic you could inject your bicep, stomach, shoulder or where ever you want and since I put them both in once insulin needle - I inject it in the same place as I believe it is more systemic.
I am fully aware that many people believe BPC157 is systemic and you can inject it anywhere but multiple injuries and trying to heal one at a time indicated it has some systemic effects but is not as much as others.
Lots of options and expensive if you want to run a healing cycle for 3-4 months.
@Cheapshot - just started and increased his dosage for this run with it I believe and may be able to provide some feedback too. If I am wrong cheapshot, apologies but I recall reading (I think) you were going from 500 mcg's to 750 mcg's or 1 mg a day.