Andarine (S4)


Andarine is more popularly known as S4. It is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) that was originally developed for different medical purposes. However, soon after its discovery athletes found that they can piggyback the benefits of this compound, and use it as a potent performance enhancing drug (PED).

In recent years, andarine (S4) and SARMS as a whole have blossomed in popularity, especially in crossfit type of sports and bodybuilding. Interestingly, while it was in investigative development by the GTX Inc pharmaceutical company, andarine was found to treat osteoporosis, BPH (benign prostatic hypertrophy), and muscle wasting. It is precisely due to these benefits that in the past 5 years athletes have started using S4 to gain an advantage over their peers without the negative side effects that are found with anabolic steroids.

Anabolic to androgenic ratio
Compared to other SARMS, S4 is more conservative in terms of anabolic and androgenic effects. Nonetheless, medical studies can be misleading when it comes to real life experience, and these stats do not always match the actual effects seen with S4.

How it Works
Andarine acts as an orally active partial agonist of the androgen receptors. As a matter of fact, one study showed it reduced prostate weight as much as finasteride does, but without the anti-androgenic side effects or reduction in muscle mass. This is an important fact, since it shows that S4 helps block dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by binding to target receptors without harming muscle gains like a 5a-reductase inhibitor (such as finasteride or dutasteride) would do. Consequently, Andarine could help you keep your head hair while using anabolic steroids, and help you avoid the nasty side effects of a drug like finasteride.

Furthermore, just like all SARMS, andarine will attach to the androgen receptors without causing androgenic activity in non-skeletal muscle tissues. In fact, it is estimated that andarine will attach about half as potently as straight testosterone, but it will not cause the androgenic side effects seen with the latter one. Therefore, this is not only great for females, but it's also great for those males who do not want to deal with androgenic side effects.

Athletic Uses
As it was mentioned above, athletes make use of the medical advantages of andarine, and translate these into athletic benefits. For instance, andarine is extremely popular in crossfit, where the athlete can benefit from the lean muscle gains and strength enhancement, while not having to carry around extra water mass because it will not cause bloating. Additionally, it is also capable of increasing endurance, decreasing fat, and it helps with bone/joint health.

In my personal experience, I was able to gain strength quite quickly on S4 without adding any body fat, water weight, or decreasing my endurance. This makes it a great compound for powerlifters trying to make their weight class. What's more, it's also a great addition to a cutting stack because it works well with DHT derivative compounds. When stacked, it will counteract such negative side effects as joint trouble and possibly even prevent head hair loss.
In spite of the fact that S4 can be successfully used solo, for best synergy I do recommend you stack it as part of a double or triple SARMS stack. An example of this would be Cardarine (GW501516), LGD-4033 (Anabolicum), and S4; or GW, Ostabolic (Ostarine), and S4. Another good combo is Nutrobal (mk677) with Andarine and Ostabolic.

Another way to run S4 would be as an addition to an existing anabolic steroid stack because it will give more benefits to your cycle without adding to side effects. S4 will fit especially well for those who want a boost in strength, endurance, fat loss, or joint health.

Side effects
Andarine does not aromatize, so no estrogenic side effects take place when using it. What's more, it is mildly suppressive - the suppression is around 20-30% vs. the 95% seen with most anabolic steroids. Besides, it does not cause such androgenic side effects as heart strain, and it does not affect the liver.

However, S4 has one side effect that is very interesting – it interacts with the androgen receptors in the eyes, and while it is in your system you may have trouble adjusting your eyes from darkness to light, and also notice a yellow tint (especially at night). Nonetheless, this is only an issue while the compound is in your system, and once you stop taking it this side effect will go away in a matter of days. For this reason, some users choose to run a lower dosage when this happens, or they will take a couple days off when the issue arises.

5 ON/2 OFF
For users who experience unwanted vision side effects with S4, I suggest you use it 5 days on 2 days off. This means you use andarine (for example) Monday through Friday and take Saturday/Sunday off. This will allow your system to expel the extra s4 and help you start over fresh on Monday.

Half Life
The half life of S4 Andarine is 5-6 hours. Therefore, you should split the dosages to be taken 2 times per day, and I recommend AM/PM schedule. You can also split the dose into 3 parts: early morning 8am, afternoon 1pm and evening 11pm (or before bed).

When stacked, S4 can be ran anywhere from 25 to 50 milligrams (mg) per day. If you choose to run it solo, you may want to bump the daily dose a bit higher to 50-75mg. From personal experience I can relate that 50mg a day is probably the sweet spot.

You should squirt the liquid into the back of your throat, and then swallow it, followed up with some juice to offset the taste. Don't mix your SARMS with other liquids in a glass or cup.
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