Viagra boosts your testosterone levels. One study administered sildenafil for three to seven weeks to 140 men with erectile dysfunction, aged 40-70 years, who also had low testosterone levels (right on the cusp of being hypogonadal, in the low 300ng/dl neighborhood). Sildenafil was associated...
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How much semen should I ejaculate? Is my semen normal?
We’re all so weirdly obsessed with our members as a species, so it’ll strike us as worrying is we think something is slightly off, strange or just plain weird. You’ve probably ejaculated a thousand times without a second thought, but if...
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Online pharmacies, generally speaking, have a bad reputation for scamming customers by selling counterfeit goods, or not delivering goods at all. Depending on who you ask, they can be the virtual equivalent of street-level narcotics dealers. But the online market for image and performance...
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Let me just say in my humble opinion this kid is a kid and to young to be doing steroids
I have never used a band aid in my life. I do not even own a band aid
I inject and pull that sucker out. I do not leave it in like he did
I have never done that air bubble thing he did
Again in my opinion...
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Anabolic steroids, technically known as anabolic-androgen steroids (AAS) or colloquially simply as “steroids”, are drugs that mimic the effects of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone in the body. They increase protein synthesis within cells, which results in the buildup of cellular tissue...
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I would read training articles. I would read nutrition articles. I would read anything posted from a “pro” (that can mean high level amateur too, or it did to me back in the day) and look it over. However, none of any of that really mattered to me or had my attention as much as pros and what...
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In the real world, or at least as real as it gets in the gym, bodybuilders and lifters have long been aware that some people explode on fairly moderate anabolic steroid dosages, while others struggle to justify the risks for the returns they receive. Some of the variation is obviously due to...
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Modern bodybuilding would not be what it is without drugs such as steroids. We all know that. The extended laundry list of substances that can (and are often) utilized by competitors and gym rats alike sound more and more like the ingredient list on a pack of Marlboro’s every year. Just check...
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Gyno Mechanics
First of all there are three different types of gyno: estrogen induced, progesterone induced and prolactin induced. Of course you can avoid all three types of gyno by keeping estrogen within the normal range. The precursor to any type of gyno is estrogen! Once you let estro...
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High & low estrogen symptoms
Hey guys. Making this thread so that people will get a better idea on where their estrogen levels may be at. Very relevant in order to prevent any of these (in some cases) severe symptoms, especially for people running cycles with compounds that are highly...
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The purpose of this reference guide is to go over the different ancillaries that may be required during an anabolicsteroid cycle or in post cycle therapy and discuss what they do, how they work, how they may best be utilized and give an idea of some general dosing guidelines. I hope you find it...
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